Good-bye Peter Falk

Sunday June 26th 2011

Peter Falk gained his wings this weekend. He was born September 16, 1927 in New York.

What a superb actor. Sun in Virgo (craft/a working class hero), Moon (probably) in Gemini (that twinkle in the one good eye).

His Uranus Return is right in the middle of the current cardinal afray; Uranus unchains. I hope Peter Falk is feeling the wind under his wings, now that he’s broken free of his body. For some of us, of course (especially cigar smokers and mac wearers), he’s already immortal.

Click here for a wonderful obituary by Richard Corliss at Time.

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  1. Lachesis says:

    Peter Falk. What an amazing presence. Ok, so many of us grew up with him, but he meant more to us than that, as anyone who listened to the newspaper review on radio 4 this morning would realise. What is it, astrologically, that makes people so iconic, so charming – and so cool? Is there a planetary configuration for cool? As a non-astrologer, I would love to know.
    PS I loved the post on the oracle! More please.

  2. Christina says:

    It’s true – how did he make a short middle-aged guy with bad posture cool?

    The first thing that sprang to my mind when I read your question was Uranus. Uranus is the planet of the eccentric, the individual. To me that is cool: but I think it probably depends on your point of view.

    So I looked at Falk’s chart – without much hope since we haven’t got a birth time – but lo, he has the planet Jupiter, the planet that exaggerates anything it touches, conjunct Uranus at the beginning of the whole Zodiac in Aries. In other words, his individualism was quite extreme. That is defnitely cool.

    Mass appeal? I’d always look at Neptune.

  3. leslee says:

    Oh, sad to hear he passed on. But yes, hope he’s feeling the wind under his wings. I loved him in Wings of Desire! I could never see him again as anything but an angel come down to enjoy the simple pleasures of mortality. I didn’t realize he was a fellow Virgo. 🙂

  4. Christina says:

    Wings of Desire + Falk = perfection