Astrology of Syria

Friday March 15th 2013

Here is what I wrote about Syria last spring.

“Let us pray for as many ceasefires as possible, because this is a long, drawn-out struggle. I really hate to be pessimistic, but it seems to me there is a strong potential for civil war, whether Assad himself stays or goes. If the international community does not contain Syria, the blood-dimmed tide could roll over the whole region.”

To read the rest of the article and see the charts for Syria, the Assad regime and Bashar al Assad himself, click here.

All the charts are under enormous pressure from the Pluto-Uranus square right now. The planets moving into Aries – Sun, Mars, Venus, and later in the year Mercury, will soon be in Syria’s house of “open enemies”. They first transit Uranus, the planet of revolution, possibly enflaming the conflict even further. Watch the Full Moon in Libra on the 27th and the weeks following for further derailment of any practical solution, coupled with behind-the-scenes negotiations.

Photographs of this conflict are too disturbing. To give now to Save The Children’s Syrian Crisis Appeal, click here.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I have been thinking about this, and have this to write. Assad is a wholly misunderstood person. I say this looking at his chart and from personal knowledge how something like the opposition in his chart works. I do not have saturn there as part of the opposition but on the whole there are similar elements. How it works for me – and I presume for him – is that there are those outside who plot and scheme and will do anything to damage and pull the person down. He has no control over this and is left baffled as to what people will do – how low they will go.

    You write in the original article “What makes Assad a particularly ruthless opponent is the fact that he feels himself to be the victim in all this”. He could very well be though despite what you infer. I know.

  2. Christina says:

    You could well be right. I think your point is an interesting one. But it is possible to be simultaneously victim and perpetrator. After all, all Syrians on all sides of this conflict are victims.

    What’s important to remember in astrology is that a murderer’s chart and a victim’s chart will likely look the same. It’s the same energy.

    Thanks for bringing this up.

  3. Isy Aweigh says:

    Save the Children is, despite its rather shrill name, an excellent organization. I’m glad you provided the link, for those with a practical need to be useful.

  4. Isy Aweigh says:

    Regarding the comments… One needs only look at how many survivors of child abuse go on to abuse their own children. Or (at the risk of starting a flame war) look at how closely modern Israel’s treatment of Israeli Palestinians derives from Nazi treatment of the European Jews 70 years ago.

    It doesn’t mean the wrongs weren’t done. It doesn’t mean the victimization didn’t happen in the first place, or that it wasn’t horrendous beyond words. It doesn’t mean that persecution doesn’t continue for the original victim, one way or another. It often does, as it does for Israel and modern Jews.

    It means it’s time to stop the cycle, make real change, not figure out how to continue with the erstwhile victim in the more powerful role. That doesn’t actually heal anything, it simply creates new problems and new victims. I’m horrified, but not surprised, that the charts of murderers and their victims are often the same.

    Assad may well be a victim, but it doesn’t make his present choices less hugely damaging – not only to others, but to his own future.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Some other stuff needs to said about Assad and his chart I feel. First there is that old shakespeare line from Hamlet that goes something like

    To be, or not to be: that is the question:
    Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
    No more; and by a sleep to say we end
    The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That flesh is heir to, ’tis a consummation
    Devoutly to be wish’d. To die, to sleep;
    To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there’s the rub;

    This is the crux of this opposition – (and mine as well). What does he do? Does he do nothing and allow it to continue or do something about it? There are consequences either way. I think what he needs to do is completely wash his hands and walk away.

    But there outside forces in this war that assad is also fighting that want him gone because he is a pal of iran and they want iran to be isolated. Of course I am writing about the americans/uk/france et al.

    I would say that Assad is a well balanced person. Its that opposition that does it, he has the ability to see both sides. He is not the person to say I think we should do this, but instead to say I think we should do this but what do you think?

    I think what is increasingly clear is that the west are despots who will do anything to further their cause of keeping the status quo with all their money and power in place. Look at cyprus this weekend at the bank holiday that is happening (do you remember me mentioning about this possibilty in another post?) taking money directly out of bank accounts of account holders – dispicable indeed.

    Another thing is that you all should stop taking notice of the mainstream media. When I write stop taking notice I mean stop listening to the television and radio. Stop reading the tabloids. They sprout propaganda for the status quo and are in your mind telling you what you should think and what your point of view should be. Turn away from it all. This syrian conflict is engineered and justification fabricated. Remember iraq and wmd’s that were eventually found not to be there?