Scorpio Fashionistas: Edith Head
Edith Head’s work is chic, cool, glamourous and powerful. You name a legendary Hollywood beauty (especially post-war) — Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Ingrid Bergman — and you’ll find that Edith Head designed clothes for her. Some of the most iconic Hollywood looks — Kim Novak in Vertigo, Grace Kelly in Rear Window, Mae West in She Done Him Wrong — are Edith Head’s work. It wasn’t just that she understood colour and black and white, film and form, she managed to make women look simultaneously classy and sizzlingly sexy.
To have such impact in a world dominated by men, Head had to not only be more talented than anyone else, but more driven, more focused and harder working. Does that sound Scorpionic to you?
Here is her chart without a birth time sadly, but just look at the stellium across Libra (style and fashion sense) and Scorpio (drive and focus). The positions of Jupiter and Saturn are interesting too… both at zero degrees, sandwiching the stellium.
It’s her birthday today. I expect she’s designing a costume for St Peter.
Oh that’s funny. I was just writing on a natal chart description for my mum (her birthday wish) as my “vienna” showed a new post on your blog. Because I was focused on writing, I actually wanted to read that later, but then I saw the title “scorpio fashionistas” and had to laugh.
My mum has always been extraordinary creative, painting since childhood, mostly cubism and nude studies. She also had her own tailor shop for years, then arranging bouquets for weddings in 20ies style. Making most crazy costumes for theater I have ever seen. People go crazy every time when they see her creations, no matter what. It’s just like anything she touches transforms to gold. Yet, she has sun-neptune-mars conjunction at 0° of scorpio, in 2nd house, squeres moon in leo. Also asc-venus-pluto in virgo, good for fashion.
Those hard moon-neptune aspects seem to be very powerfull positions for artists.
If I had to guess, I would say Edith Head has a strong 2nd house as well, because fashion is applied art. Maybe venus and jupiter, which would make her virgo rising and put neptune and pluto on MC. It would fit, and she does look like virgo. But it’s just a guess.
Ha, that’s funny. I agree about the second house, Virgo Rising, Neptune MC guess. I think the glasses are kind of a Scorpio thing too — hiding the gimlet eyes!