Posts For This Saturn Station
Saturn’s move into Sagittarius back in December came as a huge relief to many people — except maybe those born under the sign of the centaur and those born with Saturn in Sagittarius, for whom this will be the dreaded “Return”. This month, the planet Saturn is stationing — that is apparently standing still — and will turn Retrograde on March 14.
You have Saturn in Sag if you were born in the mid-1980s or the mid-1950s.
Dec 1926 – Mar 1929
Jan 1956 – Jan 1959 (check carefully for this one because Saturn Rx into Scorpio in spring 1956)
Nov 1985 – Feb 1988
Here is long explanation of the Saturn Return on this site.
My friend Isabel Tifft wrote an excellent three-part post about the myth of Saturn for this site also. I think it’s a must read right now as we consider this ancient archetype as he travels through the land of Sagittarius, a place where stories get much, much bigger.
Here are the links
The (kind of creepy) Birth of Venus
Castration, Rape and a Sharp Blade: Saturn’s Tricky Childhood
When Saturn Goes Off The Rails
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