Venus in Taurus: Brooding Passion

Thursday May 5th 2016
Prince, Gemini Sun.

Prince, Gemini Sun.

When we talk about Venus, we talk about allure.

When Venus, the planet of beauty and attraction, is in Taurus, she is in her own sign. Fixed Earth: the sign of full-busting spring in the north, when thoughts turn to what the birds and the bees do. Venus is, of course, the planet of love and of making love, of how we attract lovers and what we love to attract.

As you might expect, Venus in Taurus people can be very, very attractive; very, very sexy. The late-lamented Prince sang about sex a lot. He was, of course, an embodiment of Gemini, but his Venus in Taurus combined with Scorpio Rising gave him the powerful, earthy sexual drive — the passion.  But Prince is for a full post later —

There is quite a distinctive look to Venus in Taurus, which Prince also shares: big, cow eyes, heavy brows, broad foreheads and defined jawlines. Sometimes those beautiful eyes are slightly wide set. Of course there will be many exceptions, but compared to some other Venus signs, this visual similarity is quite striking.

Did I mention brooding? Or controlled power?

Marlon Brando, Aries Sun

Marlon Brando, Aries Sun

Diana Princess of Wales, Cancer Sun

Diana Princess of Wales, Cancer Sun

Daniel Day-Lewis, Taurus Sun

Daniel Day-Lewis, Taurus Sun

Johnny Depp, Gemini Sun. Not so much with the eyebrows for Depp.

Johnny Depp, Gemini Sun. Not so much with the eyebrows for Depp.

… and it helps to be a French actress…

Juliette Binoche, Pisces Sun

Juliette Binoche, Pisces Sun

Simone Signoret, Aries Sun

Simone Signoret, Aries Sun

Emmanuelle Seigner, Cancer Sun

Emmanuelle Seigner, Cancer Sun

Isabelle Huppert, Pisces Sun

Isabelle Huppert, Pisces Sun

Or an Italian one…

Claudia Cardinale in The Leopard. Aries Sun

Claudia Cardinale in The Leopard. Aries Sun

But there are not so many in Hollywood. I wonder if this tells us something about national preferences… steaming suppressed passion might be a bit European. Look at some of the roles these actresses have played. Huppert in The Piano Teacher, Cardinale in The Leopard (and everything else), Signoret in Room At The Top, Juliette Binoche in Les Amants de Pont Neuf. There’s a wild beast in there and when she comes out….!

This is a super-powered Venus.

Jessica Lange, Taurus Sun

Jessica Lange, Taurus Sun

Liv Tyler — of course she’s famous for the Tolkien films now, but interestingly her breakthrough movie was Bertolucci’s Stealing Beauty.

Liv Tyler — of course she’s famous for the Tolkien films now, but interestingly her breakthrough movie was a European production Bertolucci’s Stealing Beauty.

Debbie Harry, Cancer Sun

Debbie Harry, Cancer Sun

Of course, there are other ways of luring lovers than simply looking gorgeous. Taurus is associated with the voice — Marlon Brando, Daniel Day Lewis and Johnny Depp have remarkable voices, and so does a personal favourite of mine, Christopher Walken.

Christopher Walken, Aries Sun

Christopher Walken, Aries Sun

But consider  Ella Fitzgerald, such a rich, warm voices.


Ella Fitzgerald, Taurus Sun

Young Paul McCartney had the big, moody eyes and the rock & roll voice. Gemini Sun

Young Paul McCartney had the big, moody eyes and the rock & roll voice. Gemini Sun

Maybe it’s not just the voice — but the turbulent passion. Angsty Lana del Rey and Alanis Morissette (like Adele an overnight sensation after writing a break-up album at a tender age) both have Venus in Taurus.

Alanis Morissette, not so cross anymore. Gemini Sun

Alanis Morissette, not so cross anymore. Gemini Sun

Lana del Rey, Gemini Sun

Lana del Rey, Cancer Sun

Finally, and just to remind us of how devastatingly beautiful Venus in Taurus can be.

Linda Evangelista, Taurus Sun

Linda Evangelista, Taurus Sun

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  1. eggcup says:

    You nailed the Venus in Taurus look… that picture of Marlon Brando is particularly heart melting!

    My past few boyfriends have all had Venus in Taurus and Libra Moons.

    Although my Venus in Scorpio, I am a Libra Sun/Libra Rising, making Venus chart ruler and in the 2nd house; I also have full brows several shades darker than my natural blonde hair and large eyes. It’s what people comment on the most.

    • Christina says:

      Aha – I have been contemplating a great picture of Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh — Taurus and Scorpio — and contemplating what happens when those two signs hook up.

  2. Kalisto says:

    What would it mean to have Venus.Mars and Mercury in Taurus?

    • Christina says:

      That would partly depend on the rest of the chart, but it’s going to give your chart a strong Taurus flavour. Persistence, stamina, a love of beauty, could be quite a temper if the Mars-Mercury are conjunct, care with words, quality…

  3. Susannah Wilkinson says:

    My younger son is turning 16. He has Venus in Taurus, Sun in Cancer. He’s always had a deep voice. The eyebrows and the jaw are coming in now. I’ll remind he that he’s beautiful. : )

  4. Armagnac says:

    Adele has Venus in Gemini btw. Not Taurus…

  5. Ishtar says:

    Adele has Venus in Gemini and Lana del Ray has the Sun in Cancer..