Astrology of Now: It’s All About That Base
Between January 14 and 17, there will be so many planets stacked up in one corner of the sky, that you might expect the whole cosmos to tilt with the weight of them.
Moon, Sun, Mercury, Pluto, Saturn, Venus and the Black Moon Lilith will all be in the sign of the Goat-Snake, Capricorn. That’s a lot of midwinter — and there has not been a line-up like this in a single sign in many years. During those three days, the Moon will conjunct each planet in Capricorn, one after the other — and because Mars-Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron and Uranus are also all in aspect to that huge Capricorn stellium, the Moon will trigger these too. It’s like the soup is being stirred to mix those ingredients at the bottom of the pot.
Capricorn is, of course, the sign of leadership, hard-headedness, the CEO, the chief administrator — the real deal. But it’s also a sign of magical transformation, shamanic connection, represented by the most curious creature in the entire Zodiac — half goat, half fish or serpent; a mythical beast whose upper half reaches for the top of the mountain, but whose nether regions writhe and moil in the earth or even beneath the water. That’s going from low to high.
This is the Cardinal Earth sign that begins the winter season in the North. The light is shortest now. Iit’s a time when the real contours of the land are revealed, or when they are outlined in white snow. The colours are drained away on grey days like today, or purified in stark sun, snow.
It’s the sign of reality, stony ground, rugged mountains, the Establishment.
Saturn’s return to this, his own sign, is the start of a big return to reality for us all. Saturn rules boundaries, barriers, rules, walls, hard work, achievement. Saturn, to use the late lamented Donna Cunningham’s phrase, is the “alpha dog” of this stellium — the strongest planet. The Moon talks to Saturn first and then passes the message on to each of the other planets — “wake up to reality”, “get to work”, “grow up”.
It will be interesting to see what happens in the collective over this period. President Trump’s racist remarks are part of this pattern, starkly re-inforcing what we knew about him already — his baseness. But I note also this morning the launch of “Open Banking” — “The way we bank in the UK will change forever this weekend, but very few customers are even aware of the radical shake-up our personal finances are about to undergo.” — from the Financial Times. Capricorn is, of course, associated with banks and the global economy. The last planet touched by the Moon during this Capricorn transit is Venus sextiling Chiron. There could be a question here about financial security.
The long, velvet night of the Capricorn New Moon (3am GMT, January 17) is one of the darkest of the year, a night to contemplate the bass or the base or even, the baseness or the basis — or getting back to basics.
Fabulously written as always, most enjoyable. My father passed away on January 1st, masses for him on 16th and funeral on 18th. Interestingly is transiting pluto in capricorn is squaring my natal saturn in Aries. My father was an aries. My sun is at 5 degrees capricorn, I wonder what that will bring when Saturn rolls over it?
I’m sorry for your loss… I hope that doesn’t sound too trite Judy.
I hope it was a good passing.
A lot of energy entangled for New Moon 17th/18th when Pluto sits at the Mercury-Sun midpoint while Pluto is trined by Jupiter. Mercury also feeds into the Mars-Uranus connection. In the political/power contexts this brings in some hard hitting communications “being brought to task’ Severe or harsh words delivering a reality check. Surely this timely combo must reach Trump [Saturn close to 24 Cancer] Impeachment is given stronger legs
I agree, Trump is getting cut off at the knees.
Great piece. My birthday (62) is Jan 16th. Yikes. I feel something big is coming.
I think it could be good big!
I have 7 points and plantets in Capricorn and the 14th is my birthday. I’m not sure I’m ready for so much planetary action.
Wow! Let us know how you’re feeling…
A bit grim – no change there 😀
I shall definitely let you know if anything changes.
Noticing the demise of Carillion…
It’s intense, to be sure.
I’m trying not to take it too personally – and now I see there’s a Solar eclipse on February 15 at 26° Aquarius, which is exactly conjunct my MC, and Chiron. Could be worse I suppose. At least I don’t work for Carillion – or the government. 😀
I’ve had so many opportunities presented to me today on the eve of my birthday and some lovely family surprises that I’m beginning to think this is good Christina… Bigly!
Feeling good?
I read a different Financial Times article about open banking today – not nearly as cheery as the one you have linked to. It looks to me like the top of a very slippery slope. The only other nation using this is China. My best wishes to you folks in navigating this, and I hope it does not come to us in the USA soon.
I think it’s a mad idea.
Pah – “open banking” … I was reading about that yesterday and how the powers that be think it’s the way to get banks to serve people better. Apparently not many people switch banks.
You know what would get me to change my bank account … a decent rate of interest.
The neo-liberal idea of getting organisations to compete against each other and the cream will rise is a broken theory. All that happens is organisations compete to cut the products and services to the barest bones to provide the cheapest service or products. It’s a race to the bottom. When all the competitors are as crappy as each other, there’s little-to-no point changing.
I am incessantly thought about this, thanks for posting.