Astrology of Now: Tension
Wednesday November 21st 2018
This is my cat Heart, who likes to play a role in all important conversations…
This is my cat Heart, who likes to play a role in all important conversations…
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OMGoddess. Could I have picked a worse time to MOVE? This wasn’t the original plan but coordinating with movers has been challenging, with faulty info and communication…thanks, Mercury retro in Sag conjunct my natal. Already living smack on my Mars line with this move last year to Italy. Add push/pull (lots of that, literally) with that Full Moon in Gemini craziness coming up (*sigh*) and I’m just holding on to hope that my husband and I make it through the move and insanity in one piece! I had a powerful dream last night of Lion medicine….I just got “getting into A-Lion-Ment”. The message last night was one of surprise as her huge golden-green eyes met mine. I also heard a female voice say, “Oh, yes, her energy’s been with you for a long time”. So, thanks, Christina, for the reminder to surrender to that retrograde + air/fire energy, align with softness, play the purring meditation*, relax in front of a bright fire….and stroke some fine feline. Hello, Kitty!!!!
* iawake has the best Purrfound Meditation, combined with theta waves. It’s expensive. There are others for free without the theta on youtube
Thanks for this – I was wondering what was going on. I had been thinking that with mutable angles and planets mostly in late degrees I wouldn’t feel this much. Beautiful cat – lucky you!
Fascinating. I, like your delightful cat, am not manic at all. I’m calm as as can be, being (unusually!) productive, using the retrograde energy to complete a massive, 175,000 word edit/re-write that is going – rather well, I think. I have nothing I know about in Pisces but I do have 2 massive stelliums in Sagittarius and Capricorn and heading for both a Juiter and Saturn return, and maybe that’s helping. I am feeling the mania via my Gemini/Sag husband who won’t sit still or shut up and when he’s in the house (which is not often, like I say, won’t sit still) is driving me not so slowly *insane*. Bloody airsigns. 😉 What does Heart’s chart look like, I wonder?
Nice to see you and your lovely cat!
My youngest child has mars in early Virgo and planets in early Gemini and Pisces…high strung right now!
My natal Jupiter is in early Pisces and rules my IC, we put an offer on a place (double checked it made sense, brought someone with experience to take a look, etc) looks like is not going to be so easy, but we are not that stressed, nor we are attached to a particular outcome (♓️!) Just glad we are finally getting some action, even if not ideal. Will of course try again when mercury goes direct.
Mars is right now on the 6th so, plenty to do, my response is exhaustion, another piscean way of processing it.
Happy Thanksgiving from TN. May we all be able to feel gratitude
I would simply wish to Thank you for this and all of your videos sharing your insight.
Thank you for the video. Gorgeous cat. I miss mine.
Natal Sun at 3 Gemini, Chiron (and Chariklo) at 6 Sagittarius and Hygiea at 6 Virgo. Wired isn’t the word. And, as Mars in Pisces is currently transiting my 6th it’s coming out in the area of health – inflammatory stuff. But I’m also getting a lot done (including redoing my will – my Progressed Moon and Ascendant are in Scorpio these days. I won’t be finalising it till Mercury goes direct though) and I’m also beginning to see how best to move forward in certain areas. So while life definitely isn’t restful things are moving forward.
Sorry about the health stuff, mimi. Inflammation…. 🙁 My daughter with natal Mars-Neptune opposite Jupiter seems to be having a bit of an issue with this too.
Thanks Christina. And good wishes to your daughter as well. I’m finding Neptune so powerful these past few days, with the direct station just hours away. And yesterday’s Full Moon was no fun at all. Never mind, this too shall pass!