New Video: Lilith in Taurus, A Walk in the Woods

Tuesday November 17th 2020

Come for a walk in the woods to meet the Dark Moon goddess….

Cover image is from a medieval illumination depicting Eve talking to Lilith, who wears a crown and has the body of a snake, in the Garden of Eden.

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  1. Liz Verran says:

    Lilith is just approaching my sun/Mercury in Taurus at 4^ and I’m a singer who has been unable to practice all year. Yesterday I started singing again! Whoopee. Thanks for the video

  2. Cecelia says:

    I always appreciate your posts, knowledge and presentation. The woods here were you are videoing this is magnificent. Thank you !

  3. Louise Moran says:

    Thank you.
    I was thrilled you were reading from Women who run with the Wolves it is one of my favourite books.
    I have just discovered I have Lilith at 2 Gemini.
    Best Wishes