September Horoscopes & an Evening with Anne Whitaker

Tuesday August 31st 2021

At the start of this month, we may have a little trouble focusing, as if our binoculars have one lens that sees far and one that only lets us see details. But as September lengthens to autumn, we can all gain perspective on what went before and what is to come. The cosmos is lending a helping hand, and it should be a lot less tense than August!

Wisdom may come in the simple forms, like that which we find in the best children’s books.

And speaking of books, I’m so pleased that my friend Anne Whitaker will be coming to talk with members of the OA about her new book Postcards to the Future, which is out now. It’s a compendium of more than 25 years of writing about astrology, and about the world through the lens of astrology.

Put this date in your diary Sunday, 12 September, at 7pm.
The zoom link is on the members’ page and in the horoscopes newsletter.

 If you are not yet a member, here is the link to join. And here is the link for members.

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  1. […] post September Horoscopes & an Evening with Anne Whitaker appeared first on The Oxford […]

  2. Isy says:

    I just noticed something, when doing a transits horoscope for September.

    I was born in April 1966, and at that time, the Uranus-Pluto conjunction was within 10 seconds of exact.

    Currently, Uranus and Pluto are forming a grand trine (as it were) to that point. It’s a huge stonking Earth trine of that signature U/Plu conjunction of our generation.

    Have you remarked on this and I was offline? I’m completely fascinated, as this does seem to be a time for things coming home to roost for all the oversights and the prescient messages ignored in our generation.

    • Christina says:

      I have not recently — I’ve written very little this summer — but it has been part of the whole Pluto in Capricorn story. Thanks for bringing it up though.

      I’m preparing a talk “Where the Hell Are We?” for October 7 at Aquarius Severn, which will be on-line. It’s free but they would like a small donation. Some of the results of that prep will be published here.