Zuckerberg’s Ouchie!
Tuesday October 5th 2021

Mark Zuckerberg. Does anyone need to be this rich?
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and super-plutocrat (check 0°Scorp), is having quite the seamy week, what with the whistleblowing, the share drop — and, of course, the outage.
And here’s the thing. It’s not all that obvious in his astrology — unless you dig count the asteroid Chiron, the wound.
Zuckerberg’s Chiron, which shows the place where we are most vulnerable. It’s the wound that never heals. And it’s getting opened up right now by a direct transit from the North Node, the eclipse point. So he’s probably feeling it right where it hurts and that’s partly to do with his poor communications — ironic for someone whose work is actually communications, but that’s sometimes how Chiron works. The place where we are most wounded is also the place we find power…
Note that transiting Chiron is also quincunx his Saturn.
Another thing? Uranus, the planet of electricity, is currently opposite Saturn, Zuckerberg’s foundations. Now that is unsettling. Uranus has been there for a while, and will be coming back. That looks like an unexpected outage — and there could be more of this.
But you need a faster moving planet to trigger these two transits, which are worrying away at Zuckerberg. That would be a tricky quincunx from Mars and the Sun this week, aimed straight at tr Uranus, and coming up to his Venus (in this case) money.
Interesting that he’s getting some nice support from Pluto in Capricorn to his Sun.
Then, of course, there’s the current Mercury Retrograde — which makes us all reassess or social media (Libran communications.
How I wish we had a birth time! Anyone?

Data from Astrodatabank
How about a speculative 3:23pm? Gives the last degree of Virgo rising, the last degree of Gemini on the MC, making Mercury the chart’s engine. Puts Pluto, Saturn, Moon, Mars in the 2nd. Mercury, Venus and the Sun (conjunct Algol) in the 8th – it’s ALL about the money (yes, he needs to be this rich). Brilliant Uranus in the 3rd. Can’t help but feel sorry for his Moon squished between Mars and Saturn – a heart the size of a pistachio? Strangely empty eyes – he’s an unusual man.
Seems likely