Astrology of Now: Expelling
Sunday October 23rd 2022
The coming solar eclipse on 25 October at 11.48GMD (2°Scorpio) is one of expulsion, release, letting go. This is may well already be manifesting itself somewhere in your life. It can be good — a release from some form of slavery — or difficult — being made redundant.
Know that for some people this powerful eclipse may feel like a moment to be released from this mortal plane, so be kind to your fragile friends. If they ask for help, they may really need it.
Take care and throw out the garbage.
Really relate to that but don’t see the message from the picture of the 3 medlars and the butterfly
Butterfly? Transformation?
Would be interested to know
I was thinking about the fragility of butterflies in autumn & butterflies representing the soul released.
Also the blackness of this painting made me think of the darkness of these autumn nights — especially at the dark of the Moon & the fireworks to come.