August Horoscopes: Potent Memories Brew

Beatrice. Odilon Redon
It’s a strange month, full of nostalgia for other Augusts, even ones you never knew.
We are cupped between two bright harvest Moons — on 1 August and 31 August in the final signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius and Pisces, bringing us to the halfway mark of the astrological year at the end of the month. This year we’ve had a lot to work through already. It’s been quite a time, and August promises to bring us more change, together with opportunities for recalibration or course adjustment.
The two closest planets to the Sun — Venus and Mercury — the most personal to us — are both turning shyly away and taking a trip to another world — and so will many of us, whether that’s imaginatively or actual spelunking. It comes time to look inward — at least with half an eye, because what’s within is mesmerising. But at the same time, we know that real life goes on.
Venus Retrograde
Venus wears the crown of the Underworld this month (23 July-4 September) as she delves into the riches beneath the ground, making her way through mounds of gold and rubies, coal and slate, memories and the ashes of forbidden romances. She is deep in a magical realm — one, mind you that she visited at this time of year just 8 years ago.
Venus retrograde is looking backwards at past relationships, reviving some, laying others completely to rest, and going deeper into others, turning like to love. This Venus Retrograde really does seem to be about who we give our hearts to and why, whether that’s offspring or lovers, and whether absence really does make the heart soften. These are questions simply about love, and where it is in our lives, how we give and receive it, and how we open and close to love like sea anemones on the tides.
To read your full horoscopes and join the Salon discussion on Sunday 6 August at 7.30pm BST, go here.
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