Invitation to the Salon

Saturday July 8th 2023

The Q&A is morphing into a Salon. Do come along. Sunday  evening at 7.30 British Summer Time. Bring your questions and answers too.

This is a benefit for members of The Oxford Astrologer & usually it’s private and not recorded. There have been some exceptions recently to that rule, but this time — in honour of Venus’ imminent descent into the Underworld– we’re going back to the private closed session.

The link is on the Member’s page and in the newsletter.
Join the Oxford Astrologer.

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  1. Lily says:

    christina, does the link go live at the time of the salon or a few minutes before? thanks

  2. helen says:

    HELP. I renewed my membership, updated zoom, changed my password and still can’t connect to the link and now your site has locked me out. I REALLY wanted to hear today’s Salon discussion. 🙁

    Your site has been super challenging to navigate today for some reason

    • Christina says:

      Oh no
      I am so sorry. I only just saw this. It was a great session too :(.
      There will be another one next month & let’s make sure you get the link early. Can you ping me an email? Also, let me know if you’re still locked out.

      • Lily says:

        It all worked out! I deleted cookies and switched to another device and got there just as the session was starting and I was really glad I got to hear it. A particular a-ha moment for me was when you mentioned Chiron opposing someone’s sun as “crippling” and my ears perked up. I’ve been almost literally crippled with a back injury for a year (it’s getting better) and sure enough, Chiron in Aries has been opposing my 12th house Libra moon.

        Anyway, sorry to clog up your discussion site with tech woes and thanks for replying 🙂

        • Christina says:

          Not at all. So glad you made it. Besides, it’s useful for other people to know that there may be workarounds! Yes. Last Saturn in Pisces — mid-1990s — had the opposition from Chiron!