
Talk on Monsters
I’m giving a talk on Scary Monsters. February 16 at the Oxford Astrology Group. For more information look at their site. Come along if you’re in the neighborhood.
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Valentine’s Day, Aquarius and the Goddess of Marriage
I’ve always thought it more than a little ironic that the day of the year designated for lovers is February 14. After all the Sun is in Aquarius – and Aquarius, as we all know is cool, calm, friendly, intelligent, rational. But passionate? Romantic? Heart-broken? Love-struck? Frenzied? [...]
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Egypt’s Revolution: Killing the Father?
Egyyptian women demonstrating in the 1919 uprising against the British. Photo: Wikimedia Commons As you already know if you are a regular reader of this blog, Egypt is having its second Saturn Return. And it’s all been rather exciting to say the least. I thought I’d just remind you [...]
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What Astrologers Are Saying About Chiron in Pisces
A 19th-century wooden centaur attributed to a Mr Dines. The planetoid Chiron, which orbits between Uranus and Saturn, was discovered in 1977 and has caused some excitement among astrologers ever since. It takes about 50 years to make it’s way around the zodiac, which means that you will [...]
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How Chiron Helped Me Get Healed
Giovanni Bellini‘s Adoration of the Sleeping Child. Let me tell you about the last time Chiron conjuncted one of my personal planets, because it was very lovely. My second baby was just one month old and I was living in the delicious fog of love that descends almost uncannily on so many [...]
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Art and Astrology: Aquarian Self-portraits
Aquarius is the sign of the avant-garde – and who could be more emblematic of the avant garde than Edouard Manet. Some of his paintings are still kind of shocking when you think about it. Dejeuner sur L’Herbe scandalised Paris when it was exhibited in 1863. You can see why. What’s [...]
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Monthly horoscopes: February
This month I’m focusing on how you can take advantage of Jupiter’s move into fiery Aries for a half-year sojourn. Click here for the scopes.
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2011: Springtime of the Peoples
Set during the Paris uprising of 1848, Flaubert’s novel Sentimental Education explores lessons in love and friendship. It was published some 20 years after the events. I’ve been thinking about the planet Neptune’s ingress into Pisces a lot over the past year.  This will [...]
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Istanbul Trip
I shall be in Istanbul from the 20 to 25 February. If you’d like to book a consultation or arrange a pop-up astrology event, get in touch.
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Egypt: Your Enemy is in the Mirror
Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, assassinated in 1981. Astrology tells us that the assassination of President Anwar Sadat back in 1981 links to the current riots in Cairo. How so?Read on and find out.But let me begin at the beginning.I’ve just had some correspondence about national [...]
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Tunisia’s National Chart
This is the chart I used for my analysis of the Tunisian Uprising in the previous post. It’s dated for the founding of the Tunisian Republic and it includes progressions and current transits from the outer planets.  Click on it to see it larger.
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Tunisia: Revolution Now or Never
"Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very heaven!--" William Wordsworth wrote these words about the French Revolution more than 200 years ago. But he was a spectator, a friend of France, not a participant, and he never suffered through what became known as the Terror. [...]
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Aquarius: Boys Will Be Girls
Dame Edna (aka Barry Humphries) (17 Feb 1934) Sometimes the pictures tell the story. Need I say more, my cheeky water-bearing friends? If you can find any more cross-dressing Aquarians, do tell me. Jack Lemmon ( 8 Feb 1925) in Some Like It Hot.   Eddie Izzard. You can always tell by  the [...]
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Astrology of Now: Fresh Starts
Winter aconite photo: Martin Olsson Wikimedia Commons On a crisp winter day, when the frost-rimed grass beneath your hooves crunches and the sunlight lies palely on green branches, and the air is still, think of the life waiting to burst out of the earth, think of the sap in the tree, think of [...]
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Harry Potter and Ophiucus
Here is a tale of two books written about 2000 years apart.All the hooha about the intruder constellation Ophiucus sent me to my well-thumbed copy of Manilius’ Astronomica, the Roman astrology manual dating from around the second century. I knew there’d be a tit-bit in there.It [...]
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Jupiter and Uranus: Last Tango in Pisces
Shade and Darkness – The Evening before the Deluge. JMW Turner 1843 A wall of water ripped through inland Australia tearing up trees, tossing cars and buses like flotsam, swamping houses and taking lives. Today hundreds of Brazilians died in muddy landslides caused by torrents of rain. In [...]
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Ghostwritten by Chiron
Jules et Jim (1962). Ghosts from long ago summers. This is a true story, but it’s a little off the wall, so bear with me. I had a kind of waking dream the night before last in which the ghost of an old, old boyfriend came and spoke to me. Now in real life I […]
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Catherine Middleton’s Birth Chart: Cool, Powerful and Sensitive
I want a William and Kate souvenir toothpick, please. I received an email a while ago asking me to look at the chart of Catherine Middleton, who is to marry the heir to the British throne, Prince William, in April. Well, her birthday’s on the 9th of January, so why not look at it today [...]
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Astrology and Art: Capricorn Self-Portraits
There are two main ways I like to use astrology when I’m thinking about art. 1. Knowing an artist’s birth chart or simply natal Sun can give you real insight into how planets might work out in real life. Works of art are a non-verbal expression of character that often speaks more [...]
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Royal Wedding Astrology: Juno Lends a Helping Hand
Here’s great-great-great (oh forget it) granny Victoria getting hitched to Albert. Juno (discovered in 1804 but largely ignored by astrologers until fairly recently) is the asteroid associated with marriage – and she’s an obvious place to look if you’re thinking about [...]
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