Three things are changing right now that will have an affect on every single citizen of this planet. They are the global economy, the climate and power. I’m writing this as the Lunar Eclipse in Libra completes, and Pluto, the planet of transformation appears to stand still in the sky. [...]
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Spring Forward
The roiling, tumultuous energy of this spring seems to be in full spate already, but it promises to become stronger and stronger into April. The question is: how do we shoot the rapids in our own little coracles without tumbling into the flood? There is no getting away from the fact that the [...]
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Shrinking Britain
Cometh the hour, cometh the man. George Osborne is going to be one of the most hated public figures of our time. But he can take it This afternoon George Osborne, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, gave the most important speech of his life – and maybe ours. Is this a full [...]
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When it rains…
I’ve been looking at pictures of the Biblical floods in Pakistan, listening to the statistics – more people affected by this than by the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004. Is this possible? So I found a map and realised that the area being flooded is the Indus Valley itself, one of the [...]
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