Category: Aspects of Astrology

Explore articles on the planets, signs of the Zodiac, asteroids, aspects, eclipses, history of astrology, and more.

Libra Season Podcast: The Equinox, An Eclipse and Hyper-Focus
  It’s that pivotal point in the year. The season’s are changing, and we’re halfway through the Zodiac. Libra promises balance and harmony — usually — but maybe not so much with an eclipse in the offing and Pluto behaving like, well, Pluto. Sally and I have a [...]
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September Horoscopes: Making the Moment Last
We are our pets: our pets are us. Or so we may believe. Who knows what’s really going on beneath those be furred skulls. What is true though is that Virgo is a writer’s sign, and if you type in the words writers and cats into a search engine, you will be deluged with images. […]
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Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Think It Over
  Mercury, the planet of communications, speed and thought turns retrograde on 23 August. This is his third retrograde of 2023 — first in Capricorn, then Taurus, now Virgo. There will be another in December. All are in practical earth signs, which means this most the rethinking or [...]
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Virgo Season: Retrogrades A Go-Go
This month Sally and I discuss all those planets turning tail and running for the hills — as well as few coming back to the well to drink some cool, sweet water. It’s really pretty complicated. There will be winners and losers — and those might just be the same person. Links to audio and […]
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August Horoscopes: Potent Memories Brew
It’s a strange month, full of nostalgia for other Augusts, even ones you never knew. We are cupped between two bright harvest Moons — on 1 August and 31 August in the final signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius and Pisces, bringing us to the halfway mark of the astrological year at the end of the […]
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Barbie, the Actors’ Strike, Venus Retrograde
The Barbie movie is going to be this summer’s blockbuster — you know it. It’s been released when Venus, surely Barbie’s very own planet, is stationing, ready to go retrograde in Leo on 23 July. Leo is the actor’s sign, and we’re seeing a hella lot of actors [...]
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July Horoscopes: Stay Cool
It’s hot. It’s complicated. It’s kind of fascinating. July is a pivotal month for everyone. If you’re already a member, to read your horoscope, click here. To join The Oxford Astrologer, click here. To read last month’s horoscopes, click here.
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Wagner Group Mutiny: Yevgeny Prigozhin
This is a sunrise chart for Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group. There’s no birth time. I am flinging this up quickly for you to see as history unfolds. Just in case you’re out of the loop: the Wagner Group is a mercenary organisation owned and run by Prigozhin which [...]
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Astrology Talk Podcast: Cancer Season
This month on Astrology Talk Podcast Sally and I  could not resist taking a look back at Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon and Silvio Berlusconi, the politicians who’ve fallen in the past few weeks. What was going on in the skies? And, of course, we took a good look at [...]
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Astrology Talk Investigate: The Glastonbury Festival
The Glastonbury Festival, the pop music extravaganza held in bucolic south-west England every June is now part of the established summer season, along with the Proms, Glyndebourne and Henley Regatta. It started off as Pilton Festival on Michael Eavis’ farm just outside Glastonbury, [...]
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Talking About Teaching Teenagers & Helping Families
As you  know, members of the Oxford Astrologer have a monthly Q&A, which really ought to be relabelled a salon, since, in fact, everyone pitches in. Usually, it’s closed so that people can talk freely, but I am publishing this one because Alex Trenoweth was kind enough to come along [...]
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June Horoscopes
This is a month of potential and excellence somewhere in each of our lives. And the beginning of Venus’s long sojourn in the sign of specialness, royalty and glory. That is Leo. She’ll be in the sign of the Lion from now until early October, and it’s important to figure out [...]
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Gemini Season Podcast: Two Heads Are Better
Plenty to discuss this month. Pluto goes back into Capricorn. Venus and Mars are in Leo, and Mercury finally reaches Gemini. Get a cup of tea and join us.
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Was Sherlock Holmes A Capricorn? Astrology Talk Investigate
In honour of Pluto, the detective, entering Aquarius, the sign of networks and the internet (and maybe podcasts!), Sally and I are launching a new feature: Astrology Talk Investigates. We’ll be looking at mysteries, histories and more, focusing on just one question, every month. Do send [...]
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May Horoscopes: Signs of Change
The year’s clock ticks on. Here we are already, halfway between the equinox and the solstice. An important tock, or possibly tick, is the change of signs by Jupiter, the King of Olympus. In his royal progress through the Zodiac, Jupiter moves into a new sign (usually) just once a year, [...]
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Neurodiversity and Astrology
In the past few years, many people have realised, sometimes quite late in life, that they have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)  or autism — and it’s been a massive relief. Both autism and ADHD are wide spectrum conditions (not disorders, thank you), of course, and [...]
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Signs of the Zodiac: Taurus
Ah the lovely Bulls — so handsome, so pretty, so stable. Sally and I chit chat about the sign Taurus, number two in the dance of the Zodiac.
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The Green Man & Mercury Retrograde & Eclipses: Taurus Season Podcast
  So the lusty month of May approaches, and we dance down a primrose path, mantled in green and all that jazz. Also there’s the Green Man, and bluebells and eclipses. And Mercury is almost retrograde in this month of blossom and poetry. To listen to the podcast, click here and [...]
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The Green Man, Mercury Retrograde & Eclipses: Taurus Season Podcast
  We put on our green mantles and tripped down the primrose path to May, carolling Loud Sing Cuckoo, etcetera. We also recorded a podcast about Taurus Season. The Green Man is in there. To watch or listen, go to the website and scroll down. Happy Maying!!
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Lilith in Leo: Roar!
Lilith, the Black Moon, visits the sign of the Sun once a decade. She grows her mane, flexes amps up her charisma and sometimes acts like a giant pussy cat. Below is a list of the previous times she was in Leo. If you were born any of these years, you are having a Lilith […]
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