This year it’s going to be very hard to know what to hold on to and what to let go, who to rely on and who will vanish, how to move forward or when to stand still in this year of change and change about. This is because all the planets are changing signs, with […]
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Ah… Taurus, the great bull of the Zodiac. Independent and self-reliant, stubborn and resilient – for sure. But there’s more to this sign than that. Find out more here.
Everything Green: May Horoscopes
We are so lucky to live on Earth, with her great oceans, her lush forests, her billowing grasslands, her mystical deserts and magical snowy poles. And right now, in the skies, so many other planets are beaming down on us from the glorious, earthy sign of Taurus, the sign most connected with [...]
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Signs of the Zodiac: Taurus
Ah the lovely Bulls — so handsome, so pretty, so stable. Sally and I chit chat about the sign Taurus, number two in the dance of the Zodiac.
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Adele’s Saturn
One thing’s certain about the singer Adele: she likes Saturn. At her one-night only special in Los Angeles the other day, she sported ginormous, dangly Saturn earrings, flashed a tattoo of the ringed planet on her right forearm, and was otherwise clad in black head to foot — [...]
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Taurus: A Self-portrait and a Poem
The Afternoon Sun …This room, how familiar it is. The couch was here, near the door, a Turkish carpet in front of it. Close by, the shelf with two yellow vases. On the right—no, opposite—a wardrobe with a mirror. In the middle the table where he wrote, and the three big wicker chairs. Beside [...]
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New Video: Lilith in Taurus, A Walk in the Woods
Come for a walk in the woods to meet the Dark Moon goddess…. Cover image is from a medieval illumination depicting Eve talking to Lilith, who wears a crown and has the body of a snake, in the Garden of Eden.
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Lockdown Astrology Podcast: 19 April-20 May
This was our first podcast across the ether. We do enjoy getting together in real life to talk through the astrology. On this podcast, we talk for longer as these are unique times –– about the lockdown situation, the wider picture revealed by astrology and a lengthy look at the astrology in [...]
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Lilith 2020
In a few days time, January 27, Lilith, that strange mathematical point in the sky — an empty space, an idea, a void? — shifts into the realm of Aries, where she might burst into flame. Her first contact will be Chiron, the centaur who weaves the outer and inner planets together, [...]
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August Asteroids
Taking a quick look at what the asteroids are up to at the moment. Juno, Pallas, Ceres and Vesta move slowly enough to have serious impact, and quickly enough to be entertaining. Getting to know your asteroids adds a little turmeric and chili, ginger and garlic to your horoscopic stew. [...]
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Christina & Sally Talk Astrology: April 20 – May20!4e6ae We discuss brioche buns, spring flowers, ‘big voice’ singers, gorgeous people, furry eyebrow and distinctive noses in our Taurus-themed month. Some of us are glad to leave behind the drifty Mercury retrograde [...]
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Look At Juno
Those overlooked goddesses! We should be talking a lot more about the impact of transits from the biggest asteroids — Juno, Vesta and Pallas. Note that I say Ceres is an asteroid, actually she’s classified as a “dwarf planet”, like Pluto. See what I mean overlooked [...]
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Astrology of Now: Perfect Legs
When the planet of disco balls and silver suits, that is Uranus, dances in perfect time with that stately waltzer Saturn, you know you’re in a peculiarly potent sort of season. Of course, Uranus and Saturn have been doing this all summer from early Taurus and Capricorn respectively. This [...]
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Juno and the Axis of Desire
This year Juno, the asteroid named after the goddess of marriage and commitment, will be spending a long time in Taurus, a sign associated with passion, desire, obstinacy and obsession. Taurus is, of course, the opposite sign to Scorpio — also a sign known for obsession, obstinacy and [...]
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What Astrologers Are Saying About Uranus in Taurus
Surely, this is one of the most exciting changes in the firmament that we have seen in years. Today, May 15, Uranus, the planet of change, moves into Taurus, the sign of stasis, where he has not been since 1942. Think of this planet and this sign as two constellations of ideas that are about [...]
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When Taurus Loved Scorpio: the Passion, the Madness
“I woke up absolutely raging with desire for you my love … Oh dear God how I did want you. Perhaps you were stroking your darling self.” — Olivier to Leigh If sensual Taurus and sexy Scorpio can get it together, the earth really does move, after all these are (arguably) the two most intense [...]
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Thoughts on Transitory Mercury
Mercury, messenger of the gods, will be crossing the face of the Sun in a few hours. You’ll be able to see this from Earth — with the right equipment. This particular event is not rare — but it is unusual. It happens about 14 times per century — and it’s always in Taurus or Scorpio — […]
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Venus in Taurus: Brooding Passion
When we talk about Venus, we talk about allure. When Venus, the planet of beauty and attraction, is in Taurus, she is in her own sign. Fixed Earth: the sign of full-busting spring in the north, when thoughts turn to what the birds and the bees do. Venus is, of course, the planet of love and [...]
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Taurus New Moon: Sexing The Garden
The gardens froth blossom. Petals flake the lawns. Now the very first bud of apple and pear swell. The birds peck green cherries. It’s Taurus’ month and Eden. Taurus’ partner across the Zodiac, Scorpio, sometimes signified by the snake. This New Moon is free and easy, not [...]
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Joy, Pleasure, Happiness and Chocolate
As you tuck into your Easter egg this morning, you may want to as yourself this: what is the difference between joy and pleasure? This week I listened to the writer Anthony Seldon talking on the radio, distinguishing between pleasure, which we might get from eating chocolate, happiness which [...]
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