It’s always a bit worrying going to talk with sceptics about astrology, but this interview with The Spectator was lovely. They were very nice people and we even had a bit of a laugh. Enjoy. Here’s how they describe it “When pollster Nate Silver declared that dissecting an [...]
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Astrology Talk and Astrology Talk investigates, as well as some guest appearances on other shows.
Astrology of Now: Heading Into The Storm
There’s no point pretending otherwise — the next six weeks look tumultuous. I’ve just been to see Dune 2 on a giant screen — and I have to admit, I was uncomfortable watching a movie about a fantasy war as entertainment, while major wars rage on our own dear, and very [...]
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Signs of the Zodiac: Pisces, the Subtle Influence
A discussion of the sign Pisces on YouTube or on the podcast. Is Pisces a shark or a whale? What’s the best way to handle that boundless energy?
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Fire and Light: Sagittarius Season Podcast
We’re galloping into the season of the centaur on a shower of sparks, scattering fire and words to the left and right, and probably clutching the reins in between our teeth. As the fire and light flicks past us, we may be forced to slow down into that Mercury Retrograde. Sally and I [...]
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Astrology Talk Investigates: Why Did Rupert Murdoch Choose His Successor?
In our snappy new series of short takes on topics we find intriguing, mysterious or amusing, we look at the Murdoch clan, models for the hit TV show Succession. The Murdochs are, of course, the most famous media dynasty on the planet, with more fingers in more pies manipulating more [...]
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Libra Season Podcast: The Equinox, An Eclipse and Hyper-Focus
It’s that pivotal point in the year. The season’s are changing, and we’re halfway through the Zodiac. Libra promises balance and harmony — usually — but maybe not so much with an eclipse in the offing and Pluto behaving like, well, Pluto. Sally and I have a [...]
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Why is Keanu Reeves the Internet Boyfriend?
In our new series, Astrology Talk Investigates, Sally and I look into the pressing question of why the actor Keanu Reeves is so beloved. Is it Pluto? Is it Chiron? Is it the Moon in Cancer? We take a short walk down the Reevesian Road and find ourselves in a matrix of possibilities. If [...]
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Leo Season: Alchemy
What with a Venus Retrograde and some singing lunations, this Leo Season promises to be specially memorable. We had a lot to sift through. There’s quite a lot of tension, but also possibilities. Listen here. Or watch
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Astrology Talk Podcast: Cancer Season
This month on Astrology Talk Podcast Sally and I could not resist taking a look back at Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon and Silvio Berlusconi, the politicians who’ve fallen in the past few weeks. What was going on in the skies? And, of course, we took a good look at [...]
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Astrology Talk Investigate: The Glastonbury Festival
The Glastonbury Festival, the pop music extravaganza held in bucolic south-west England every June is now part of the established summer season, along with the Proms, Glyndebourne and Henley Regatta. It started off as Pilton Festival on Michael Eavis’ farm just outside Glastonbury, [...]
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Gemini Season Podcast: Two Heads Are Better
Plenty to discuss this month. Pluto goes back into Capricorn. Venus and Mars are in Leo, and Mercury finally reaches Gemini. Get a cup of tea and join us.
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Was Sherlock Holmes A Capricorn? Astrology Talk Investigate
In honour of Pluto, the detective, entering Aquarius, the sign of networks and the internet (and maybe podcasts!), Sally and I are launching a new feature: Astrology Talk Investigates. We’ll be looking at mysteries, histories and more, focusing on just one question, every month. Do send [...]
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The Green Man & Mercury Retrograde & Eclipses: Taurus Season Podcast
So the lusty month of May approaches, and we dance down a primrose path, mantled in green and all that jazz. Also there’s the Green Man, and bluebells and eclipses. And Mercury is almost retrograde in this month of blossom and poetry. To listen to the podcast, click here and [...]
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Aquarius Season Podcast
This episode we discuss the coming astrological month — Aquarius season — which runs from 20 January to 18 February. Of course, we also took a look back at the previous season with its double retrogrades and royal shenanigans. Both of us are looking forward to the cool, clear light [...]
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Astrology Talk: The Signs of the Zodiac
What makes a Scorpio a Scorpio? And are Geminis the only ones who can tell a tale tale? For a bit of holiday fun, Sally and I decided to discuss each sign of the Zodiac individually. You can watch the videos on YouTube here. Or download them from the Astrology Talk podcast channel here. [...]
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Libra Season Podcast and Video: Goodbyes Contain Hellos
The Queen is dead; long live the King. And so it always is. As Elizabeth II is put in her final resting place, we also bid farewell to the great Serena Williams and Roger Federer, long-reigning Queen and King of the tennis circuit. But all are replaced immediately, that is the nature of [...]
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Virgo Season Podcast: How to Deal with Strange Times
If August has been bonkers for you so far, find out why we believe Uranus is the planet of the surreal, how it’s playing out in real life & when it’s active once again. A slightly chaotic but exciting month coming up in Virgo season, traditionally the time of the [...]
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Sizzling Summer Podcast
You can listen to this month’s podcast (22 July-22 August) or watch it by going to the home page. It’s hot! — Oh wait, I think you know that already… Pour yourself an ice cold lime juice and join us…
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Summer Solstice Podcast Special
This month we’re talking about Cancer, the meaning of the Solstice chart and what’s ahead in June and July. To pick up the podcast or watch on YouTube, go to the home page and scroll down.
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The Podcast: The Material and the Immaterial
The podcast with Sally is up a little late this month, because I had no voice for a while. As you will hear, I’m only just getting it back. We had an interesting discussion about the Taurus-Scorpio axis, Jupiter going into Aries and more. Here’s a link to the home page where you [...]
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