Category: Mercury Retrograde

Astrology of Now: Re-detailing the Details
Mercury Rx in Virgo 30 Aug- 22 September 29°-14° My goodness — what a super duper Mercury Rx. My household is swept up in a frenzied combined back-to-school, major-clear-out reading party. Here are some good things that have happened in the last few days. • You can see the floor of the garden [...]
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Thoughts on Transitory Mercury
Mercury, messenger of the gods, will be crossing the face of the Sun in a few hours.  You’ll be able to see this from Earth — with the right equipment. This particular event is not rare — but it is unusual. It happens about 14 times per century — and it’s always in Taurus or Scorpio — […]
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Astrology of Now: Focus and Healing
It’s an extraordinary — and rather difficult — start to 2016. But amidst the tumultuous energies there are some strong positives. Here’s the gen. Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius, then from January 8th, in Capricorn . The time calls for rethinking and practical [...]
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Mercury Rx: Indexing
I am re-indexing this website during this Mercury Retrograde. Apparently it wasn’t done properly when we switched over from Blogger last year, so not all the posts are searchable (or should that really be findable). It seems like appropriate action to take when the god of communications [...]
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12 Questions To Ask With Mercury Rx in Gemini
The little god of prestidigitation is standing perfectly still. For a moment in time, he looks both ways: into the future and into the past. Then he starts to go backwards. Think of how odd it looks in a movie when the broken glass and water on the floor magically swooshes up and reforms. The [...]
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Mercury Retrograde: Live The Question
“I beg you to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart, and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to [...]
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Astrology of Now: The Disappearance of Manannan Mac Lir
A statue of the Celtic sea god Manannan Mac Lir was stolen from an Irish mountaintop on January 21, the day Mercury, the planet of thieves, went retrograde. Although Manannan is the “son of the sea” and a deity of storms, but he has more in common with Mercury than Neptune. [...]
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A Mercury Retrograde Mini Adventure
I went for a run the other morning, starting through the University Parks — orderly paths thick with joggers and dog-walkers, an arboretum of specimen trees, a lily-pad spattered pond, smooth green playing fields — and crossed over the River Cherwell to run through the [...]
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Mercury Retrograde Has Its Uses — Really
Now, if I could just get Wolverine to sort these people out… Mercury Retrograde, brought to you by the people who brought you the Mayan Prophecy, dun dun daah. Communications go crazy, your electrical goods grow teeth, your commute turns into the Normandy landings, the internet crashes [...]
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Mercury Retrograde: Clearing Out The Attic
On the first day of the Mercury Retrograde, February 6, I found myself deep in my attic, surrounded by piles of junk: old bedsteads, mysterious boxes, a couple of boogie boards, a broken dollhouse even. I’ve been meaning to clear out the attic since last year, but every time I thought [...]
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Astrology of Now: What Shall I Do Without My Eurydice?
Well, Mercury has begun his long walk out of the Underworld. Today he is at 2° Scorpio — only another 28° to go. It’s was a powerful retrograde, as you might expect when the planet of mind goes through the sign of depth psychology. Of course, Mercury is still in Scorpio until the [...]
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Astrology of Now: Journey Into The Heart Of The Night
Jean Marais as a modern Orpheus, in Cocteau’s visionary and beautiful movie of the same name. Someone said: “Bring the bodies upstairs.” The house I’m staying in is 300 years old with walls as thick as the span of your arm. The room I sleep in is as dark and close as a coffin. I […]
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Brain Like A Jellyfish
Sea Nettle jellyfish. Photo by Fred Hsu from Wikimedia Commons. I have just been attempting to write a post inspired by the following aphorism. “Madness is the exception in individuals; the rule in groups.” On the whole, I think Nietzsche had a point. Yet, the more you think about [...]
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Astrology of Now: What This Merc Rx Is Good For
D likes to mooch around the local junk market on Thursdays. Today he came home with an old record player. We are spinning discs that have been in storage for – ahem – decades this afternoon. Perfect on a sunny evening with Mercury retrograding through the sign of nostalgia, [...]
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Unpacking My Library: Reading Pisces (with Mercury Retrograde)
The Reader by Federico Faruffini. I found this on the wonderful blog Reading and Art. “I awoke one morning with the usual perplexity of mind which accompanies the return of consciousness. As I lay and looked through the eastern window of my room, a faint streak of peach-colour, dividing [...]
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Astrology of Now: Poison Pen
Yesterday evening my daughter told me that her friend has been receiving nasty anonymous notes. These have been left in her desk for about a week. It is a recrudescence of previous bullying but in a new form. I thought it was a perfect example of astrology in action. Mercury, the planet of [...]
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Mercury in Scorpio: Inner Demons
A detail from Hieronymous Bosch’s The Garden of Earthly Delights “Beware the slinking whisperer who whispers into the hearts of people, whether he is from the world of spirits or the world of humans.” – Sura 114, The Qur’an “The mind is its own place, and in [...]
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12 Questions From Mercury Rx in Leo
Freddie Mercury. Mercury, the trickster, lay down and took a nap in the Sun last week. Now he’s staggered to his feet and is laboriously retracing his steps through Leo. He’s a little dazed and confused poor fellow, asking this question: who am I? Mercury in Leo: it’s about [...]
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Astrology of Now: Relax, Everything’s Retrograde
Ingres: The Turkish Bath. Aries is the sign of beginnings, haste, inspiration. It’s the fire sign that strikes the spark that sets the world aflame. So what happens when the planet of speed, Mercury, turns tail and retreats in such a go-getting part of the Zodiac? And hang on, [...]
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Astrology of Now: Mayhem
The late lamented Heath Ledger as the Joker in Batman. Mercury’s dark side is on show now. Here’s what happened to this post. I was lying in bed thinking about how often the word chaos has been in the news in the last couple of days.  Some guests at a party have decided to [...]
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