There is a major handover this October. The eclipses are moving from the axis of money, Taurus-Scorpio, to the axis of relationship or innocence and experience, Aries-Libra. What is more, the planet of the underworld, Pluto, stations and turns direct, ready to march straight out of Capricorn [...]
See moreCategory: Art
Art is one of the best ways to understand astrology. Because we are working with myth and archetype, some stories are better told visually. What is more, art movements and artists’ work reflect the workings of the planets beautifully.
Astrology Talk: Diving Into the Cooling Waters
In the latest Astrology Talk podcast, Sally and I had a lot to discuss. February was fascinating but March promises even more as Saturn — after two strong years in his own sign — dives into the stormy seas of Pisces. Will he sink or swim? Or will he float…? You can pick up [...]
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February Horoscopes
Get your canvases primed, your paintbrushes cleaned, your models suitably disposed, your paints squeezed on to the palette. Let’s get to work and make something beautiful this year, starting now. Oh, and let’s finish off a few things too. February horoscopes are here, ready for members. If you [...]
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December Horoscopes
World is crazier and more of it than we think, Incorrigibly plural. I peel and portion A tangerine and spit the pips and feel The drunkenness of things being various… from Snow by Louis MacNeice One of the things I love about this time of year is the contrast between the sweet [...]
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Patterns on the Way
Astrology is the study of patterns. Patterns in the sky repeat as patterns in the soul, repeat as patterns on the Dao. Patterns on the way repeat every few years or decades or days or hours. Not all are lovely. But sometimes we have to repeat them for a while before we know how leave […]
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Paula Rego, Strong Women
“This is another thing that is not in our culture, which I show in the picture of the girl with her legs up, Lila.” Paula Rego, feminist, artist, storyteller died this week, leaving behind one of the most consistenly extraordinary and powerful bodies of work of the past 50 years. [...]
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Astrology of Now: Valentine’s Day
It is such a pleasure to be able to tell you what a wonderful planetary alignment we have for Valentine’s Day — for the first time in years! Venus and Mars, the lovers of the Solar System, embrace in earthy Capricorn, which means it’s certainly time for some of us to finally [...]
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Astrology of Eris: Cultural Disruptor, Truth-Force
You know the story, but it bears repeating. The hero Peleus and the sea nymph Thetis had a magnificent wedding on Mount Olympus. Everyone was invited, except for the goddess Eris, or Discordia, as she’s known in Latin. Big mistake. Just to mess things up, Eris threw a golden apple [...]
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Libra: A Self-portrait and a Poem
II I am a far more deserving inventor than all those who went before me; a musician, in fact, who found something resembling the key of love. At present, a noble from a meager countryside with a dark sky I try to feel emotion over the memory of mendicant childhood, over my apprenticeship [...]
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Virgo Self-Portraits: Perfect Wits
David (30 August 1738) It will come as no surprise to see that the work of artists born under Virgo is consistently detailed, crafted, technically excellent and polished to a wonderful degree. Nor will it surprise you that all these painters could draw beautifully. Ingres (29 August 1780) [...]
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Virgo: A Self-portrait and Two Poems
for forty years the sheets of white paper have passed under my hands and I have tried to improve their peaceful emptiness putting down little curls little shafts of letters words little flames leaping not one page was less to me than fascinating Read the rest of the poem here — from [...]
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Leo Self-Portraits
Last month, I found a huge number of artists born under a Cancer Sun. It seems that Leos are less prone to pick up a paintbrush. I think a lot of them might find being in a studio all day too lonely. So no surprise then that possibly the most famous Leo artist of the […]
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Leo: A Self-portrait and a Poem
Still, there’s a lot of fun to be had in the gaps between ideas. That’s what they’re made for! Now I want you to go out there and enjoy yourself, and yes, enjoy your philosophy of life, too. They don’t come along every day. Look out! There’s a big one… Read the [...]
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Cancer Self-portraits
“I don’t draw like nobody. You speak one way, but I come on and say it different. You can draw a mule, dog, cat, or a human person, I’m going to draw it different. Because you always see things different.” — Nellie Mae Rowe, Cancerian artist Rubens June 28, 1577 [...]
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Cancer: A Self-portrait and a Poem
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body. Read […]
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Gemini: A Self-portrait and a Poem
I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. I loafe and invite my soul, I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass…. Read the rest of the poem here. From Song of […]
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May Horoscopes
There’s an eventful, exciting month coming up, with an eclipse, an upcoming Mercury retrograde and, of course, Jupiter’s move into watery, wonderful Pisces. There’s much to think about. Members are cordially invited to a Q&A session on Sunday evening at 7.30 BST (British [...]
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Taurus: A Self-portrait and a Poem
The Afternoon Sun …This room, how familiar it is. The couch was here, near the door, a Turkish carpet in front of it. Close by, the shelf with two yellow vases. On the right—no, opposite—a wardrobe with a mirror. In the middle the table where he wrote, and the three big wicker chairs. Beside [...]
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