In the fourth part of this talk, I look at nation-building, treaties and politics. If you’re catching up, here are links to Part 3 Part 2 Part 1
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AMERICA. Land of the free. A nation with so much going for it, yet beset with dilemmas, questions and tension. I’ve written so much about it – here’s a selection.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Testimony
Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against US Supreme Court judge nominee is heart-wrenching. I’ve just listened to it. Here is the chart for the start of proceedings this morning in Washington DC. It’s absolutely stuffed with symbolism. Here are just a few of the things that [...]
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All The President’s Crimes
Trump fans, stop reading now. You won’t like it. US President Donald Trump may have done Americans a favour by revealing just how much the system has rotted, and how much needs repairing. While Obama was like a lovely bandaid on the running sore of corruption in American politics (with a [...]
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Kim Kardashian and the Plutocrat President
When two reality TV stars meet in the Oval Office behind the big desk, you know the world is topsy-turvy. Well, we are where we are… and here at The OA we love a great picture. The official White House photographer(s) just keep on giving… What’s also interesting is that this [...]
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La Bromance: Emmanuel & Donald
There’s nothing surprising to an astrologer about the singular affinity of Presidents Macron and Trump. Indeed, their synastry is excellent. They flatter and reflect each other — one polishing the other’s shine. Furthermore, the fact that they seem to hold opposite opinions on just [...]
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Astrology of Now: War or Peace?
No doubt about it: this is a tough and dangerous month. Here’s why. Mars, the planet of war, aggression, action and passion, is pounding his way through the sign of Capricorn. At the start of April, he contacted sombre, stony Saturn, sitting there in his own sign, and at the end of the month, [...]
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Why Charlottesville?
Angry faces reddened by torchlight, mouths agape spewing hatred. The sight of those men — and they were almost all men — scarring the beautiful campus of the University of Virginia was stomach churning, horrible, familiar — even on the small screen of this laptop, You’ve seen that same anger [...]
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What Astrologers Are Saying About The Great American Eclipse
The Great American Eclipse which sweeps from sea to shining sea on August 21 has the astrological world in a frenzy — and no wonder: it’s a great big Total Eclipse of the Sun, the first to go across the American landmass so thoroughly in about a century. And the eclipse is opposite the [...]
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Ayn Rand: The Dark Side of the Goddess of Wisdom
In Hans Christian Andersen’s story The Snow Queen, a little boy called Kay has tiny shards of an evil, distorting mirror lodged in his heart and in his eye. “…a mirror with the power of causing all that was good and beautiful when it was reflected therein, to look poor and mean; but that [...]
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The Hubris of Trump
Donald Trump has an important fixed star right on his Ascendant. It is one of the four royal stars, Regulus at 29° Leo. Here is what the medieval Italian astrologer Guido Bonatti wrote about the influence of Regulus on the Ascendant. “…this alone signifies that the Native shall be a person of [...]
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A Passion For The Wild
“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” Shepherd, naturalist, philosopher, traveller, mountaineer, writer, defender of the wild, environmental activist and immigrant, John Muir through his passion and [...]
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Ivanka, Ivana, Donald — and the Black Moon Lilith
In a natal chart Black Moon Lilith marks an important point of dark power. Lilith in conjunction with the Lights, the Sun and Moon, is extraordinarily significant. In essence, Lilith is the opposite of the Moon. She is an unMother, unCarer, unNurturer, unscrupulous. She is unbound by [...]
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Catch You Later, President Obama
Barack and Michelle Obama may have left the White House today, but they have certainly not left politics. In fact, Obama’s career as a world leader and elder statesman has only just begun. While he was president Obama carried a burden of huge responsibility, without always being able to wield [...]
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The Donald: America’s Shadow Steps Out Of The Looking Glass (P1)
Donald Trump has been on TV since 2004, sitting at a big desk with the stars and stripes behind him. He wasn’t the president then, just pretending to be a boss on the reality TV show The Apprentice. He looked menacing and said, “You’re fired”, and rewarded contestants if they were “good”, and [...]
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USA Chart Analysis, November 9, Dawn
My friend Anton D’Abreu from Cycles of History has very kindly sent this chart analysis of transits to the chart of the United States on the day after the election. The Sibly chart (Koch) is used. Only the USA chart is analysed. All dates 2016 unless specified otherwise. Transiting houses are [...]
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Hillary Clinton, Dragon-Slayer
This American election is an archetypal battle, the stuff of fairytale or legend. The two sides line up, accusing each other of hatred, lying and lasciviousness; of baseness, vileness, bestiality. In their vagueness sometimes, the smears require a leap of imagination from the public. What’s [...]
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The State We’re In
“Society suddenly finds itself put back into a state of momentary barbarism; it appears as if a famine, a universal war of devastation, had cut off the supply of every means of subsistence; industry and commerce seem to be destroyed; and why? Because there is too much civilisation, too [...]
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The Shooting of Philando Castile
Diamond Reynolds live-streamed the immediate aftermath of her boyfriend’s murder by a police officer in St Paul, Minnesota on Wednesday. Her powerful testimony during the filming, and at an impromptu press conference the following day is so compelling, so passionate, so pure. If words can [...]
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2016: The Year of the Maverick
Here we are at the dawn of the Year of the Fire Monkey and already the results of the New Hampshire Primary in the United States are telling us that this could well be the year of maverick. In Chinese astrology, the Monkey is just what you’d expect — clever, quick, a trickster, a [...]
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Divided By Pluto: Gemini through Leo
The movement of the outer planets, Pluto, Neptune and Uranus, is generational. In particular, Pluto’s movement is slow enough — it takes about 15 years to get through a sign — to give us a wide cohort. Pluto tells us what is powerful, what is transformed, what is lost. [...]
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