Category: Profiles

I like to write about people and the astrology that shapes them – and here’s a gallery of some of my heroes, heroines and villains.

Ken Russell: Dedicated to Dionysus
Film director Ken Russell made big, messy pictures with a lot of sex and music in them. His fluid, emotional, freewheeling camerawork is still like no one else’s. Yesterday at the age of 84, the old maverick was taken by his maker (Uranus Returns, Jupiter conj Chiron). His [...]
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George Harrison: Water Boy
George: Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus in water signs.Marty: Sun, Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter in water signs. “Who’s your favourite Beatle?” When I’m feeling difficile I like to reply Yoko Ono, but the truth is, for me, it’s always been George.  Why? [...]
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Natalie Wood: Saturn Returns
Robert Wagner and Natalie Wood Hollywood legend Natalie Wood – beautiful, talented, passionate – died in mysterious circumstances 30 years ago. She was 43 years old and had spent the previous 39 years working, loving and living smack in the public eye. She drowned after a drunken row with her [...]
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Jeff Buckley: Fallen Angel
Jeff Buckley, of the astonishingly beautiful voice, the soulful eyes and the strange and tragic death would have been 45 today (Nov 17). Jeff Buckley (1966-1997) His natal chart is compellingly simple. Almost everything is tightly aspected, He was born in the vortex of the mid-60s clash [...]
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Why India Worships Shahrukh Khan
If you’ve never been to India, it’s hard to explain just how important Shahrukh Khan is. He is a V, V, V, VIP. Imagine someone who has the film star status of George Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt rolled into one, who has the common touch of Jamie Oliver, and the business [...]
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Could Christine Lagarde Save the World?
Christin Lagarde Pallas Athena You know, Christine Lagarde, the head of the IMF, almost looks as if she’s enjoying herself. Perhaps she is – because clearly her time has arrived. This point is what her life has been about. For her everything is focusing in on this moment in history. [...]
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Steve Jobs in His Own Words
Steve Jobs has a vision of beauty. Steve Jobs’ has a visionary Pisces Sun in the workaholic 6th house. His chart is dominated by a dynamic Grand Cross that links Venus (beauty) with innovation (Uranus-Jupiter), vision (Neptune) and action (Mars).  All are in the go-getting Cardinal [...]
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Anne Sinclair: The Power Behind Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Anne Sinclair puts a guiding hand on Dominique Strauss Kahn’s shoulder I can’t help wondering what is going through rich, handsome and clever Anne Sinclair’s head.  The wife of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, disgraced head of the IMF, has stood by her man over the past 20 years [...]
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JK Rowling: The Perfect Writer’s Chart
JK Rowling – imagination, talent and wit. She’s the first person to make a billion by writing books. She’s ignited the imaginations of about a gazillion children on every continent. She’s managed to make a Virgo cool – well, sort of.   For those of you who are not [...]
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Venus and Serena: Pluto Power
Venus Williams (17 June 1980) born with the Sun kissing Venus, sextiling the charismatic Moon-North Node conjunction in Leo (left. Neptune is in sporty Sagittarius directly opposite that Venus – again giving her star quality. With Pluto rising, she must have been her own worst enemy [...]
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Venus and Serena Williams: The Greatest Double Act at Wimbledon
Ix Ah Wimbledon – pock, pock goes the little ball, ahh sighs the crowd, grunt grunts the player, “out” shouts the linesman. The rain, the strawberries, the tedious interviews (“yeah, I like played tennis, you know”) , the lovely game of tennis. In the midst of [...]
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Happy birthday, Aung San Suu Kyi
Nobel prize laureate and heroine of the Burmese opposition Aung San Suu Kyi celebrated her birthday this weekend. She was born on June 19, 1945. I wrote this piece about Aung San Suu Kyi back in November. And this piece about the ugly Burmese regime’s use of astrologers.
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Damien Hirst and Charles Saatchi: Market-makers
The establishment’s darling Damien Hirst The king of contemporary art in Britain is Damien Hirst, who morphed from enfant terrible to the richest artist who has ever lived in a matter of a decade or so. Despite his repeated efforts to shock the bourgeoisie, Hirst has been clasped [...]
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Madhuri Dixit: Living Goddess
Bollywood produces beauties by the bucketload. If you’re a leading lady in Indian popular cinema, there’s a look you ought to have – long smooth hair, pale skin, almond eyes. It goes without saying really, that your sexual charisma needs to be pretty volcanic. Since all the other [...]
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Dominique Strauss Kahn: A Tragedy Unfolds
“That old black ram is tupping your white ewe.” Othello strangles Desdemona  from Othello Othello rose to the highest public office; he fell because of a fatal flaw, a personality defect so big that it opened its mouth and swallowed him. Right now we are witnessing a tragedy. [...]
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RIP Poly Styrene
“Some people say little girls should be seen and not heard, but I say, Oh bondage, up yours!” Thank you Poly Styrene, for giving me something to shout as I drive up to the school gates to pick up my little girls. The pioneer of feminist punk died today at the age of 53. If […]
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Lovely Elizabeth Taylor
Liz Taylor had glamour. Right up to the end she sparkled with magical, movie star enchantment. Neptune sprinkled her with stardust, but cursed her as well – with boozers, with losers, with no boundaries. She was such a Pisces. Look at those famous violet eyes. I’ll let you draw your own [...]
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Why Media Mogul Murdoch is an Uber Pisces
We all know what the books say about the sign of the fishes: mystical, dreamy, impractical, gentle, unwordly… So it’s more than a little interesting that Rupert Murdoch, proprietor of that Orwellian behemoth News Corp was born with the Sun in sweet Pisces. He’ll be celebrating his [...]
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Catherine Middleton’s Birth Chart: Cool, Powerful and Sensitive
I want a William and Kate souvenir toothpick, please. I received an email a while ago asking me to look at the chart of Catherine Middleton, who is to marry the heir to the British throne, Prince William, in April. Well, her birthday’s on the 9th of January, so why not look at it today [...]
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Why Capricorn Nigella is a Modern Vestal (Un)Virgin
A priestess of the goddess Vesta, “tutelary deity” to Capricorn.Here imagined by 19th century painter  Lord Leighton. Capricorns is a dull sign, ruled by that old curmudgeon Saturn – right? It’s all about status and work and dads and being sensible bla bla bla. [...]
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