Anne Sinclair puts a guiding hand on Dominique Strauss Kahn’s shoulder I can’t help wondering what is going through rich, handsome and clever Anne Sinclair’s head. The wife of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, disgraced head of the IMF, has stood by her man over the past 20 years [...]
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History, politics, economics, revolution, terrorism, the Catholic Church, current affairs: all through the lens of astrology.
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Greece: Archipelago of Dreams
The island of Santorini “In tempi come questi, la fuga è l’unico mezzo che rimane per mantenersi vìvi e continuare a sognare. In times like these, escape is the only way to stay alive and continue dreaming.” The Italian film Mediterraneo (1991), begins with this quotation from the [...]
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Syria: The Arab Spring Boils Over Into Summer
This morning tanks rolled into a small village in northern Syria and started shooting at villagers randomly. How can a government turn its guns on its own people? Modern Syria is an invention of 20th century mapmakers and politicians. The political boundaries of the country may be firmly [...]
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Ireland and Britain: A Miserable Marriage Turns Into a Beautiful Friendship?
The Queen’s trip to Ireland this week shifted Anglo-Irish relations a lot closer to normal. The relationship between Britain and Ireland has often been like a bad marriage: with Britain in the role of abusive husband. He loves her and he hits her. He can’t understand it when she [...]
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Dominique Strauss Kahn: A Tragedy Unfolds
“That old black ram is tupping your white ewe.” Othello strangles Desdemona from Othello Othello rose to the highest public office; he fell because of a fatal flaw, a personality defect so big that it opened its mouth and swallowed him. Right now we are witnessing a tragedy. [...]
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Algol: Decapitating the IMF
Medusa, the snake-haired gorgon, turned men to stone just by looking at them. Some say she was enraged by her violation by the sea god. The only person to escape her fatal gaze was the hero Perseus, who used her reflection in his shield to aim the blow that cut off her head, which he […]
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Neptune and Bin Laden Update
If you read my post of May 4, you’ll know that I think Osama Bin Laden is an example of the dark side the Neptune archetype. A few more pieces of information have come to light that reinforce this notion. It has emerged that the codename for the operation to get Bin Laden was [...]
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The Grim Reaper Comes for Bin Laden
According to the live Twitter feeds on the ground in Abbotabad on the night of April 29/May 1, US helicopters arrived at 45 minutes after midnight, around 1.15 am there was a big crashing sound and by 1.35 all was quiet again. That information took a bit of interwebthing diggiing. As I [...]
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The Ballad of Bin Laden
There are two opposing narratives about Osama Bin Laden. One is that he is an evil terrorist, who darkly manipulates invisible minions around the world and is responsible for the deaths of thousands. The other is that he is a martyr for Islam, fighting the hegemony of Western decadence. We [...]
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The Wedding Chart: Private Vows, Public Commitment
It was gorgeous: the frocks, the hats, the uniforms, the horses, the cars, the carriages; the music, the abbey, the sweet little choir boys – and a superb sermon by the Bishop of London. “…Marriage is intended to be a way in which man and woman help each other to become what God [...]
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Royal Wedding Astrology
Here are previous posts I’ve written on the Royal Wedding, which you might like to peruse before the day itself.Celebrating PowerA general look at the day itself.Juno Lends a Helping HandThe marriage asteroid is deeply involved.The Bling of PowerThat ring.Kate Middleton’s Birth [...]
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Royal Wedding: Celebrating Power
Last summer, I predicted a royal wedding this year. That was partly on the basis of how alarmingly these times in Great Britain resemble that watershed year 1981 – brutal financial restrictions from the government, blood on the streets, looming unemployment and an uneasy Liberal coalition [...]
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Primavera: Love is All Around
Yesterday, we walked through purple violets, pale yellow primroses and cowslips, pink campion and bluebells. White petals from the mayflower tree spattered the ground beneath our feet and scented the air around us. Truly, the goddess of beauty, Venus, rules. Who doesn’t love this time of [...]
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Brotherhood of Romantics: Neptune in Pisces Redux
Daydreaming by DG Rossetti London 1848: capital of the largest empire the world has ever seen, a city where the rich live in lace and cream and fripperies, children work as chimney sweeps and bootblacks, where the streets run with sewage, and where everyone is – more or less – for sale. Just [...]
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Why Media Mogul Murdoch is an Uber Pisces
We all know what the books say about the sign of the fishes: mystical, dreamy, impractical, gentle, unwordly… So it’s more than a little interesting that Rupert Murdoch, proprietor of that Orwellian behemoth News Corp was born with the Sun in sweet Pisces. He’ll be celebrating his [...]
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Arab Spring
I wrote a post at the start of this month about the Year of Revolutions, 1848, and its paralells with now. To read it and reflect on the events in Bahrain, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia click here.
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Egypt’s Revolution: Killing the Father?
Egyyptian women demonstrating in the 1919 uprising against the British. Photo: Wikimedia Commons As you already know if you are a regular reader of this blog, Egypt is having its second Saturn Return. And it’s all been rather exciting to say the least. I thought I’d just remind you [...]
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2011: Springtime of the Peoples
Set during the Paris uprising of 1848, Flaubert’s novel Sentimental Education explores lessons in love and friendship. It was published some 20 years after the events. I’ve been thinking about the planet Neptune’s ingress into Pisces a lot over the past year. This will [...]
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Egypt: Your Enemy is in the Mirror
Anwar Sadat, President of Egypt, assassinated in 1981. Astrology tells us that the assassination of President Anwar Sadat back in 1981 links to the current riots in Cairo. How so?Read on and find out.But let me begin at the beginning.I’ve just had some correspondence about national [...]
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Tunisia’s National Chart
This is the chart I used for my analysis of the Tunisian Uprising in the previous post. It’s dated for the founding of the Tunisian Republic and it includes progressions and current transits from the outer planets. Click on it to see it larger.
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