As the prisoners pour out of the cells in Sadnaya prison, you can hear their liberators saying over and over, “Thank god for your safety,” the traditiional greeting for someone who has returned from a long journey or illness. “Hamdillah es-salaameh.” And many of these [...]
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For centuries, kings and queens and viziers have used astrology to decide important matters. The planets can help us to decipher current affairs and the make sense of the manoeuvres of Trump, Macron, Johnson et al….
The Spectator Podcast
It’s always a bit worrying going to talk with sceptics about astrology, but this interview with The Spectator was lovely. They were very nice people and we even had a bit of a laugh. Enjoy. Here’s how they describe it “When pollster Nate Silver declared that dissecting an [...]
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Astrology of Now: Beauty and Terror
“Why is it we are so emotional about this game?” asked the man sitting next to me, biting passionately into a chunk of tortilla. “Because it is a beautiful game,” I replied, as we watched the black and white ball slide perfectly off the foot of a Spanish player clad in [...]
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Democracy! Hoo-flippin’-ray!
If you listen to the podcast, you’ll know that I’ve been certain of the outcome of the 4 July General Election in the UK since it was announced. Two reasons. First: the mood of the country was clear, and second: the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in April. The last two times [...]
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Astrology of Now: A Lesson From History
In May 1941, Germany and Japan were winning the war. Britain and her fraying empire were alone. More than half the population of Europe was under Nazi control. The Luftwaffe was decimating British cities. Rommel, the “Desert Fox”, and his seemingly unbeatable Panzers were storming across North [...]
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AT Investigates: Why Is Bastille Day the French National Day?
Bastille Day is celebrated in France with fireworks, speeches and a huge military parade down the Champs Elysees. It’s a day when French identify is celebrated. But why that day? Others might have been chosen. Is there something in the astrology of 14 July 1789 that tells us about what [...]
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Loud Passions Interview: Paradigm of Astrology, Divine Feminine and More
Back in June 2021, mid-pandemic, Suzannah Galland interviewed me for her her podcast, Loud Passions. Suzannah asked really big questions about astrology in general, the divine feminine. Jupiter in Pisces, the pandemic…. and more. So I had to think quite hard when answering! But [...]
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Astrology Talk: Diving Into the Cooling Waters
In the latest Astrology Talk podcast, Sally and I had a lot to discuss. February was fascinating but March promises even more as Saturn — after two strong years in his own sign — dives into the stormy seas of Pisces. Will he sink or swim? Or will he float…? You can pick up [...]
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Sagittarius Season Podcast
What a season for astrology! With the Sun is in Sagittarius, we pay special attention to Jupiter, now in his final lap in Pisces and running wild and free. At the same time, Mars is still retrograde, so the brakes are on somewhere. It’s complicated. Sally and I had quite the discussion, [...]
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Rishi Sunak: The Eclipse Prime Minister
Yesterday, Conservative members of parliament voted to make Rishi Sunak Prime Minister of Great Britain. He’s by far the wealthiest person ever to have held that office. He’s also the youngest in a very long time, and he’s the first British Asian. He’s also been in [...]
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Where The Hell Are We? One Year On
I gave this talk this time last year (2021) for Aquarius Severn, putting our times in their historical context. This ia a broad overview of the current astrology, exploring the spirit of these times — a vision which sometimes gets lost as we leap from one lunation to the next. Context is [...]
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The Party’s Over For Johnson
Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister, is in trouble, but the astrology is sweet. Blond-bombshell Johnson was born with an extraordinary cosmic signature — Venus Retrograde in the heart of his Gemini Sun. So if you’d speculated that Venus Retrograde periods might be significant [...]
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Your Month Ahead Podcast: October 22-November 23
Oooo… a crackling Halloween Full Moon, Mercury turning direct — and the final conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn. So much to discuss — including Joe Biden and Leonardo DiCaprio. Put on your Groucho Marx nose and your witch’s hat and have a listen. Sally and I [...]
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How To Deal With Mars in Aries AOC style
The redoubtable Alexandria Ocasio Cortez made a blistering speech to congress on July 23, in response to being verbally assaulted by Representative Ted Yoho on the steps of that institution. It’s worth hearing from beginning to end. Doubtless one day it will be taught to schoolchildren. [...]
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Dominic Cummings: Brazen Serpent
The British Prime Minister’s Machiavelli, Dominic Cummings, is in trouble — even though his “boss” is backing him. The serpentine Cummings is a close equivalent to ex-White House advisor Steve Bannon. Indeed, they are said to be in frequent touch. Cummings’ great [...]
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The Mystery of the Missing Prime Minister
An odd feature of the current crisis — in this country — is the fact that the head of government has been missing for most of the time. Prime Minister Boris Johnson failed to take the pandemic seriously back in February, missing five meetings on the subject, taking two weeks’ [...]
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Andrew Cuomo’s Big Role
New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s daily briefings about the Coronavirus have become comfort-viewing for millions over the past few weeks. As he sits behind the great big wooden desk in New York’s state capital Albany every day and calmly explains the numbers, the plan and the [...]
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Your Month Ahead: March 20-April 20
As usual, we’re looking at the month ahead, but in the circumstances, we talk a lot about the pandemic — a lot. We’re looking at the big astrology between March 20 and April 20 — including Mars’ conjunctions with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn, plus Saturn’s [...]
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To understand astrology is to see patterns: geometry across space, cycles through time, patterns of behaviour or events. At the time of writing, a virus spreads across China, the president of the United States breaks that country’s constitution, locusts ravage East Africa, giant fires roar [...]
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On the “Other”: Lilith, Harvey Weinstein and the Fate of Nations
Why are there so many Liliths to choose from astrologically? I asked myself this question recently, and wondered if the answer might not lie in the archetype herself. Just to be clear. There are: True Lilith, Mean Lilith… and the asteroid Lilith… and furthermore, in some software, [...]
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