My friend Anton D’Abreu from Cycles of History has very kindly sent this chart analysis of transits to the chart of the United States on the day after the election. The Sibly chart (Koch) is used. Only the USA chart is analysed. All dates 2016 unless specified otherwise. Transiting houses are [...]
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For centuries, kings and queens and viziers have used astrology to decide important matters. The planets can help us to decipher current affairs and the make sense of the manoeuvres of Trump, Macron, Johnson et al….
Nasty Women
No matter what you think about the candidates for president in the USA, the campaign has given rise to some barnstorming feminist political speeches. It feels like a real breakthrough — a change in the weather. In astrology, we have a “nasty woman”. She’s called Black Moon Lilith, and she’s [...]
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Hillary Clinton, Dragon-Slayer
This American election is an archetypal battle, the stuff of fairytale or legend. The two sides line up, accusing each other of hatred, lying and lasciviousness; of baseness, vileness, bestiality. In their vagueness sometimes, the smears require a leap of imagination from the public. What’s [...]
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What Astrologers Are Saying About Brexit
On June 23, the people of United Kingdom will go to the polls to make the most important collective decision of a lifetime. Should we stay in the European Union or should we go? The decision taken now could change the country’s future absolutely — probably not in the ways predicted by any [...]
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Talking Astrology Podcast: Mars Rx, Bernie Sanders and the Queen
This month in Talking Astrology, my colleague Andrea Soole and I discuss May’s Mars Retrograde. Bernie Sanders, US presidential hopeful, has this in his natal chart. We recorded the session on the Queen’s birthday, so it has rather a regal flavour.
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The Panama Papers
“I want these crimes to be made public”, leaker “John Doe” to the Süddeutsche Zeitung. It turns out that very rich people have been hiding their money in secret bank accounts abroad. Why do they feel the need to do this? Either a) because the money is stolen or b) because they are avoiding [...]
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Women on Top: Venus in Power
I got excited a while ago when I noticed that Brazilian premier Dilma Rousseff, Ukraine’s ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and Korean PM Park Geun-hye all have Venus in Capricorn, the sign of earthly power. I wondered if there would be more women at the top of the political tree with [...]
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2016: The Year of the Maverick
Here we are at the dawn of the Year of the Fire Monkey and already the results of the New Hampshire Primary in the United States are telling us that this could well be the year of maverick. In Chinese astrology, the Monkey is just what you’d expect — clever, quick, a trickster, a [...]
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Flint, Michigan
The city of Flint, Michigan has been poisoned by bad governance. That’s not a metaphor: it is literally true. Flint, located between two of the greatest freshwater lakes on the planet, is an old industrial town, ravaged like its big neighbour Detroit by post-industrial decline. Because [...]
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One Night In Cologne
In the early hours of 2016, more than a 100 women were sexually assaulted by roaming gangs of men in the streets of the German city of Cologne. At least one was raped. At least 1000 men are said to have been involved in the organised attacks. It took five days for the media to catch […]
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December Is A Battleground
Last night, the UK Parliament voted in favour of bombing ISIS in Syria (10.16pm, December 2, London.). And in so doing they showed what democracy is about. There were passionate, well-argued speeches on both sides — but not by either leader. Both Cameron and Corbyn seemed lightweight [...]
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Apollo Wins the Canadian Election
Canadians, it seems, have thrown out old and cold Saturn in favour of Apollo himself, the god of light. In other words, Justin Trudeau’s Liberal party trounced Stephen Harper’s Conservatives. Harper was older, colder, stiffer and meaner. Trudeau’s approach to politics? [...]
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The Labour Party’s Misty Meltdown
Of course it’s one thing to look at Jeremy Corbyn’s chart. He is clearly having a high old time, but we really ought to look at the chart of the Labour Party to get an idea of what’s going on. I asked my friend Liz, who is a fount of natal charts, what she had […]
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Jeremy Corbyn, Astrology in Action
The wave of left-wing emotion that’s swept through Europe from Greece to Spain and Italy has finally found a focus on these islands in the unlikely person of Jeremy Corbyn, a softly spoken Labour backbencher. It’s been a feeling in search of a leader. Corbyn is a slight, earnest, [...]
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UK Election: Breaking Up Is Never Easy
What happened here last night was momentous: a seismic shift in the “political geology” of this country took place. Scotland, which just one year ago chose to stay part of the United Kingdom in a referendum, voted almost unanimously for the Nationalist Party. As expected, leader [...]
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UK Election: Striking A Balance
This surreally dreary British election campaign is apparently the closest-run in a generation. The opinion polls bounce back and forth between Labour and Conservative. From the public discourse, you might not suspect that there are serious issues to be resolved. There’s little talk [...]
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Marine Le Pen: Killing the Father
Tough, intelligent, focused and energetic, Marine Le Pen is France’s most charismatic politician. Compared to dreary Francois Holland and preening Nicolas Sarkozy, she has the “it” factor. Her chart ruler, Venus shines brightly in Leo. Le Pen is a serious contender for the [...]
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UK Election: Nigel Farage
I wrote this piece originally for March edition of The Astrological Journal. Like a certain Transylvanian immigrant, Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, has a habit of rising from the dead. Just when his enemies think it’s all over, there he is again climbing out of his coffin [...]
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On Pisces
Sadko In The Underwater Kingdom by Ilya Repin (Wikimedia Commons) From Tunisia to Elizabeth Taylor, you never know who you’re going to swim past down there in the blue, blue sea. With the Sun still in Pisces, visit or revisit these OA posts on or about the sign of the Fishes. A Fortnight [...]
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Yanis Varoufakis
For those of you curious to see the chart of Greece’s new finance minister, here it is. There is no birth time available, so I have drawn it for sunrise. Just briefly • Take a look at the nodes. SN conjunct Mercury in Pisces. (Wonder if there’s an ancestor in holy orders.). Brains [...]
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