Category: Women

Invitation to the Salon
The Q&A is morphing into a Salon. Do come along. Sunday  evening at 7.30 British Summer Time. Bring your questions and answers too. This is a benefit for members of The Oxford Astrologer & usually it’s private and not recorded. There have been some exceptions recently to that [...]
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RIP Aretha Franklin
Aretha Franklin brought everyone who listened to her glorious voice closer to heaven while she was here on earth. She seemed to her audience like a living vessel for the divine. Her voice seemed to effortlessly catalyse emotions. Just a quick look at her chart is instructive. • There is her [...]
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#metoo: Emotional Insight
Every single woman that I know has experienced a straightforward sexual assault — raped, groped, flashed — mostly by someone she knew. And from her working life, every single woman I know has a catalogue of the occasions when she was manipulated, intimidated, pestered, ignored, frightened or [...]
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Women on Top: Venus in Power
I got excited a while ago when I noticed that Brazilian premier Dilma Rousseff, Ukraine’s ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and Korean PM Park Geun-hye all have Venus in Capricorn, the sign of earthly power. I wondered if there would be more women at the top of the political tree with [...]
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