The Q&A is morphing into a Salon. Do come along. Sunday evening at 7.30 British Summer Time. Bring your questions and answers too. This is a benefit for members of The Oxford Astrologer & usually it’s private and not recorded. There have been some exceptions recently to that [...]
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Invitation to the Salon
RIP Aretha Franklin
Aretha Franklin brought everyone who listened to her glorious voice closer to heaven while she was here on earth. She seemed to her audience like a living vessel for the divine. Her voice seemed to effortlessly catalyse emotions. Just a quick look at her chart is instructive. • There is her [...]
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#metoo: Emotional Insight
Every single woman that I know has experienced a straightforward sexual assault — raped, groped, flashed — mostly by someone she knew. And from her working life, every single woman I know has a catalogue of the occasions when she was manipulated, intimidated, pestered, ignored, frightened or [...]
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Women on Top: Venus in Power
I got excited a while ago when I noticed that Brazilian premier Dilma Rousseff, Ukraine’s ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko and Korean PM Park Geun-hye all have Venus in Capricorn, the sign of earthly power. I wondered if there would be more women at the top of the political tree with [...]
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