Category: Aries

Collected musings on Aries, the sign of the Ram.

Astrology of Now: Castrating Mars
This extraordinary gory painting, possibly by Caravaggio, was found in an attic in the French city of Toulouse a couple of years ago, but not presented to the public until yesterday. It’s fascinating that it should be revealed at just this time of retrogrades, a time of retrieval — perhaps [...]
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Astrology of Now: Fresh Eyes
Wipe away the steam and fog of Pisces, and look out through the crystalline window into the new year, freshly hatched in Aries. The equinox – which was officially yesterday – is a moment when day and night are held in balance. Then we tumble into Aries. We leap into impetuous spring. It’s a [...]
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Aries, April and Some Donna Summer
I am off on holiday for a few days, so unable to respond to correspondence. Meanwhile enjoy these seasonal posts from the archives of The Oxford Astrologer. How Donna Summer Unleashed Lilith One Spring 11 Things To Do While The Sun Is In Aries Aries Self Portraits Icons: Venus in Aries 10 [...]
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Five Things To Do in 2015
Happy New Year! I hope the holiday season was a pleasant one for you. As of today we are into the swing of the new year: already the bulbs at the end of the dining table — paper whites and hyacinths — have bloomed and their sharp green leaves are an augury of spring; my [...]
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The Sun is a pilgrim on a year-long journey that begins where it ends and ends where it begins. It’s a cycle, of course, and a spiral too. And within that solar cycle — above and below it perhaps — are the cycles, longer and shorter, of the planets. Especially there is the [...]
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A Myth To Ponder This New Moon
Before time began, gods emerged from chaos. Uranus, the god of the sky, made love to the earth, Gaia, every night, and from their union were born giants and Titans, both hated by their father, who, consequently, imprisoned his children in the deepest depths of the earth. One, Saturn, escaped. [...]
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Father Sun Marries Mother Moon in Summer
The creatures of the Zodiac cavort in a loop through the sky that takes us from midwinter to midsummer and back again. We are used to thinking of them as starting with Aries the Ram and ending with Pisces, the Fishes. But there is another way of ordering the Zodiac that can help you to […]
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Angelina Jolie: How To Be A Hero
Yesterday Angelina Jolie told the world she’d had an operation that reduces her risk of cancer from 87% to 5%. She’d had a double mastectomy. That one of the world’s most beautiful women should choose to have both breasts removed is a powerful notion. Jolie in particular has [...]
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Some American Aprils
The “Minutemen”, American revolutionaries ready to snatch up their weapons at a moment’s notice, confront the redcoats. Their flexibility, speed and the urgency of their cause was a big factor in their victory. Allied to the fact that they were on home territory. Even though [...]
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The Year’s Awakening
Cherry blossoms and snow outside my house. How do you know that the pilgrim track Along the belting zodiac Swept by the sun in his seeming rounds Is traced by now to the Fishes’ bounds And into the Ram, when weeks of cloud Have wrapt the sky in a clammy shroud, And never as yet […]
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Astrology of Now: Effervescence
The Sun is in the last degree of Pisces today, just about to POP into Aries like a bubble bursting out of water. It will be at 0° Aries at 11.01AM  tomorrow, March 20th. That marks the start of the new year for the Zodiac. In particular, this is a moment to leave behind emotional (or […]
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It Takes All Sorts, So Why the Martial Emphasis?
A while ago I was asked to talk about astrology to some teenagers at the Museum of the History of Science here in Oxford. For  a bit of fun, I asked them each to fill out a short questionnaire. They were to choose three words to describe themselves from a list of different character traits. [...]
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Aries Self-Portraits Redux
Click here for to read my piece on Aries self portraits published here last April.
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12 Ways To Embrace Mars in Virgo
The action planet Mars has slowly toiled backwards through Virgo for months, but now there is only one more week to go. He turns on the 14th. Then we’ll still have another two months of Mars in Virgo as he makes his way back through almost the entire sign. On July 4, he moves into […]
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Astrology of Now: Fred Astaire
Thanks to Aya for pointing out that Fred Astaire was born with the Sun in Taurus and Venus conjunct Mercury in Aries. The grace of Taurus and the athleticism of Aries! That’s what’s in the sky right now.
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Astrology of Now: Words of Love
My last post got lost in the Blogger inferno, so I’ll summarise it thus: Tell the people you love that you love them right now – do it, even if you’ve done it a thousand times before. Talking about love now will put you in tune with the universe. Mercury, the god of chit chat, […]
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Pallas Athena and the God of War
Imagine you are trotting down the Appian Way in Rome sometime around 202 BC. It’s a hot spring day and you’re working up quite a sweat. Your toga is flapping behind you and your slave, a rather dashing Gaul (with rippling muscles and bedroom eyes – hang on a minute…back to [...]
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11 Good Things to Do While the Sun is in Aries
Virna Lisi back in 1965   Fall in and out of love in a day Take up a martial art Have a very close shave – literally or metaphorically Take a risk Create some performance art Scream at the top of your lungs Tell someone what you really think about them Dig the garden – […]
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Art and Astrology: Aries Self Portraits
Why is it than when astrologers talk about the most creative signs, Aries is seldom the first word that leaves their lips? The sign of the Ram is the beginning, the source, the start, the seed – and as such packs a huge amount of creative power. Especially when the Sun, the source of life, [...]
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A God for Every Sign – yay
I find reading old astrology books a very good way to get to sleep. Dane Rudhyar is marvellously soporific. I hope some of it will filter into my dreams, and be reborn as a brilliant insight. Last night I turned to CEO Carter, who is an old stand-by in the wee small hours. And in […]
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