Steve Jobs has a vision of beauty. Steve Jobs’ has a visionary Pisces Sun in the workaholic 6th house. His chart is dominated by a dynamic Grand Cross that links Venus (beauty) with innovation (Uranus-Jupiter), vision (Neptune) and action (Mars). All are in the go-getting Cardinal [...]
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Ceres, Food and Revolutions
Shopping for bread in the middle of a riot can be hectic. Tunisia. Have you looked closely at your grocery bill recently? It’s gone through the roof in the last 12 months right. I’m sure inflation for food is way ahead of the official figure. So I was intrigued to read this piece [...]
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The (Kind of Creepy) Birth of Venus
In the second post of her three-part series on the myth of Saturn, guest blogger Isy Tifft, takes a look at what can happen to a flying penis when it hits the ocean waves. Alexandre Cabanel’s Birth of Venus (1875). You can see why Napoleon III wanted this painting for himself. In my [...]
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Astrology of Now: Dream of Your Self
Shiva, god of tranformation, dances his cosmic dance within a ring of fire. Image courtesy Wikemedia Commons. Art by Arumugam Manivelu. Copyright Himalayan Academy Publications. As I start to write this, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are clustered at the Midheaven in Leo. The Sun is [...]
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The UK Riots: Mummy I’m Hungry
Ah the Sex Pistols… England’s finest Rioting is an English tradition…that’s why a Riot Act was passed in 1715. But what we riot about changes to reflect the spirit of the times. The theme of these 2011 riots? Extreme shopping. Extreme shopping with a bodycount (so far) of five. [...]
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Harry Potter and the Cycle of Destiny
Tomorrow is just one more turn of the wheel of destiny for the author JK Rowling and her creation Harry Potter. The final film in the series will premiere in London. Is this finally the end? The cycle of the dragon’s nodes features strongly in the publishing history of these books. This [...]
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News of the World: The Bitter End
Well, here’s a load of cobblers. The Romans had the Colosseum; we have the gutter press. Usually, it’s the evisceration of a celebrity’s private life that rouses the public’s bloodlust. But today, the News of the World, Britain’s biggest-selling newspaper, was [...]
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Rupert Murdoch: Is He in League with the Prince of Lies?
So News International employs a nest of snakes to run its papers. Quelle surprise! We are in the nastier reaches of the realm of Neptune – the planet of lies. To find out why have a look at the profile of Rupert Murdoch that I wrote in March. Click here to find it.
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Anne Sinclair: The Power Behind Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Anne Sinclair puts a guiding hand on Dominique Strauss Kahn’s shoulder I can’t help wondering what is going through rich, handsome and clever Anne Sinclair’s head. The wife of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, disgraced head of the IMF, has stood by her man over the past 20 years [...]
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Eclipses: The Good News
Read too much astrology on the internet and you could really get the heebie jeebies about today’s eclipse. So I just thought I’d point out that an eclipse can be quite beneficial if you need some part of your life to change. Eclipses signify the end of something, which means they [...]
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The Astrology of Anorexia
La Grande Bouffe Vesta was the most widely worshipped deity in the Roman empire since every house had a shrine to her – the hearth itself. That is why I associate the asteroid named after her with cooks. Back in January I wrote about Vesta in the charts of well-known cooks, pointing out [...]
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JK Rowling: The Perfect Writer’s Chart
JK Rowling – imagination, talent and wit. She’s the first person to make a billion by writing books. She’s ignited the imaginations of about a gazillion children on every continent. She’s managed to make a Virgo cool – well, sort of. For those of you who are not [...]
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Venus and Serena Williams: The Greatest Double Act at Wimbledon
Ix Ah Wimbledon – pock, pock goes the little ball, ahh sighs the crowd, grunt grunts the player, “out” shouts the linesman. The rain, the strawberries, the tedious interviews (“yeah, I like played tennis, you know”) , the lovely game of tennis. In the midst of [...]
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Harry Potter Astrology: Hogwarts and the Four Fixed Signs
Ron (Pisces), Hermione (Virgo, obviously) and Harry (Leo) I’m afraid that my entire family is so gripped by Harry Potter frenzy that it’s quite hard to think of anything else. We started reading it together last winter and now we’re are just finishing the sixth book. If ever [...]
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Greece: Archipelago of Dreams
The island of Santorini “In tempi come questi, la fuga è l’unico mezzo che rimane per mantenersi vìvi e continuare a sognare. In times like these, escape is the only way to stay alive and continue dreaming.” The Italian film Mediterraneo (1991), begins with this quotation from the [...]
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Gemini Self-Portraits: If Pictures Spoke…
Yes – three of the artists do look as if they are just about to speak to us down the centuries. That is what you’d expect from a Gemini Sun. But I’m not sure any of them are going to say anything too complimentary. More along the lines of – well – I’ll leave [...]
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Syria: The Arab Spring Boils Over Into Summer
This morning tanks rolled into a small village in northern Syria and started shooting at villagers randomly. How can a government turn its guns on its own people? Modern Syria is an invention of 20th century mapmakers and politicians. The political boundaries of the country may be firmly [...]
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Mercury’s Magic Minstrels
Some songwriters are storytellers. Bob Dylan, Paul McCartney and Ray Davies of the Kinks were all born in the 1940s under a Gemini Sun. Take a look at these charts – the differences are as intriguing as the similarities. Ray Davies, writing about the neighborhood, commenting on the times (3rd [...]
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Can Astrology Make You A Better Mother?
Gustav Klimt’s Mother and Baby A friend’s child has a Moon-Pluto conjunction in the 8th House. Unfortunately, she’s an astrologer so she knows just how badly that reflects on her. Obviously, she must be a possessive vampire mother who devours her children and uses their bones [...]
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Astrology of Now: One Wedding, A Funeral and Two Fairytale Endings
St George and the Dragon by Jean-Francois Sulpice. The soldier prince Mars married the queen of the May, Venus, last Friday. A monster was slain on Monday. How can these things possibly connect symbolically? The charts, after all, are very similar with a heavy emphasis on Aries opposing solo [...]
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