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Christina Rodenbeck, Astrologer UK

More about me

Hello, I’m Christina Rodenbeck, and I created The Oxford Astrologer in 2010, because I’m a writer as well as an astrologer — and I think words are even better married to the beautiful images.

I started casting charts in the 1990s, and since then my techniques, understanding and knowledge have evolved. I specialise in personal readings, because I find people completely fascinating, and helping others seems to me the best use of astrology. But I’m also deeply engaged by how astrology works in the wider world  — politics, history, celebrity and the general zeitgeist. For a few years, I wrote a fashion column for The Astrological Journal. 

On Astrology
It’s a huge privilege and delight to work with a system of knowledge that is actually magical. Astrology is a gift that shows us a glimmer of the web that binds together the living universe. It’s awesome in the true sense of the word, and yet sometimes so amazing that it makes me laugh out loud with wonder.

Read about how I became an astrologer.

I love  meeting in person and talking about your chart, your soul, your future — and your past.

 Zoom works really well for this kind of intimate conversation. It is best to book in advance, but check the calendar and you might find something sooner. 

Follow the links below for more information about types of consultation, pricing & what I need from you to draw up a chart,  and then you can go straight to the calendar to book. 

The Astrology Talk podcast is a monthly conversation between me and my friend and colleague Sally Kirkman. We take a look at the month ahead, discuss what’s just happened and generally chew the astrological fat. The main podcast is broadcast on the 18th of every month, at the start of each sign.

We also host a sister podcast — Astrology  Talk Investigates — in which we discuss a specific question. That comes out on the 8th of every month. You can find Astrology Talk on all good platforms, watch it on YouTube  or listen to it here.

Do send in a question if it’s burning.

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Main: Night with her Train of Stars by Edward Robert Hughes

Aspects of Astrology: Hidlegard of Bingham; On Culture: still from Lust, Caution; She’s Rising: Persephone by Odilon Redon; Perspectives on Power: Napoleon as Jupiter Enthroned by Ingres; Profiles: Angela Merkel; Resident on Earth: Detail from The Knight of the Flowers by George Rochegrosse.

Portrait of Christina by Judith Earnshaw.

Horoscopes: collection of queenly film stills; Salon: astronomers late Mughal or early Company School; Asteroids: Blue and Gold by Mary Bell Eastlake; Judith with the Head of Holofernes by Cristofano Allori; Year Ahead: Blue Interior, Giverny by Frederick Carl Frieseke; Downloads: The Dying Year, A Fantasy by Albert Klingner.

Consultations: Still Lives by Giovanna Garzoni.

Text copyright © Christina Rodenbeck 2024

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