Category: Resident on Earth

As a resident on earth, you are a member of a family, a tribe, a nation, a world; you’re a lover and fighter, a child, a worker, a friend… We are all connected and disconnected. Articles on love, marriage, nature, society and more.

Six Keys to 2025, the Year of Flux and Doubt
This year it’s going to be very hard to know what to hold on to and what to let go, who to rely on and who will vanish, how to move forward or when to stand still in this year of change and change about. This is because all the planets are changing signs, with […]
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Solstice Blessings!
Solstice blessings from the shed.  
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The Astrology of Earth Day
Greetings from this corner of our beautiful blue planet to your place on earth. Let’s, for a moment, consider that in this vast universe of possibility we may have landed in paradise. It’s our nurturing, nourishing or cherishing of that paradise that seems to be a bit of an issue. [...]
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Astrology of Now: A Lesson From History
In May 1941, Germany and Japan were winning the war. Britain and her fraying empire were alone. More than half the population of Europe was under Nazi control. The Luftwaffe was decimating British cities. Rommel, the “Desert Fox”, and his seemingly unbeatable Panzers were storming across North [...]
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Astrology as Enchantment
“You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” — Rumi At Iftar a couple of days ago, I found myself sitting next to an Anglican vicar. As we waited to eat our dates, we talked about god and vocation, and astrology as enchantment. She told me that a decade ago, she’d had a [...]
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Goodbye, Hello
They floated by in the night, a romantic vision of young love. She sat sidesaddle and held his waist; her feet crossed, elegant black mules outlined in rhinestones shone in the dark. He wore a charcoal suit, and peddled both of them effortlessly up the hill into the diffusion of misted orange [...]
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Pluto in Aquarius: Connect or Disconnect
This year’s great cosmic shift — the move of Pluto into Aquarius — has already caused much hammering of keyboards, bursting of brain cells and copious words to be spilled across the internet. Here’s what you need to know. • Pluto will be in Aquarius from 20 January [...]
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What Does Frankenstein Have To Tell Us About the Future Now?
Well, Pluto, Lord of Transformation and dweller in the outer reaches of our solar system, is approaching his next entry into the sign of systems, Aquarius — and everything is going to change. Mind you, this is a process… Sally and I decided to look back at the chart of someone born [...]
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Podcast: What is a Cosmic Marriage?
The term “cosmic marriage” is one that astrologers love to bandy about. But what does it actually mean — and is it as wonderful as it sounds? Sally and I looked at some famous examples, and discuss some more… Things may not be quite what they seem. Here’s a link [...]
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Libra Season Podcast: The Equinox, An Eclipse and Hyper-Focus
  It’s that pivotal point in the year. The season’s are changing, and we’re halfway through the Zodiac. Libra promises balance and harmony — usually — but maybe not so much with an eclipse in the offing and Pluto behaving like, well, Pluto. Sally and I have a [...]
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Mercury Retrograde in Virgo: Think It Over
  Mercury, the planet of communications, speed and thought turns retrograde on 23 August. This is his third retrograde of 2023 — first in Capricorn, then Taurus, now Virgo. There will be another in December. All are in practical earth signs, which means this most the rethinking or [...]
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August Horoscopes: Potent Memories Brew
It’s a strange month, full of nostalgia for other Augusts, even ones you never knew. We are cupped between two bright harvest Moons — on 1 August and 31 August in the final signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius and Pisces, bringing us to the halfway mark of the astrological year at the end of the […]
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Invitation to the Salon
The Q&A is morphing into a Salon. Do come along. Sunday  evening at 7.30 British Summer Time. Bring your questions and answers too. This is a benefit for members of The Oxford Astrologer & usually it’s private and not recorded. There have been some exceptions recently to that [...]
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Wagner Group Mutiny: Yevgeny Prigozhin
This is a sunrise chart for Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group. There’s no birth time. I am flinging this up quickly for you to see as history unfolds. Just in case you’re out of the loop: the Wagner Group is a mercenary organisation owned and run by Prigozhin which [...]
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Astrology Talk Podcast: Cancer Season
This month on Astrology Talk Podcast Sally and I  could not resist taking a look back at Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon and Silvio Berlusconi, the politicians who’ve fallen in the past few weeks. What was going on in the skies? And, of course, we took a good look at [...]
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Talking About Teaching Teenagers & Helping Families
As you  know, members of the Oxford Astrologer have a monthly Q&A, which really ought to be relabelled a salon, since, in fact, everyone pitches in. Usually, it’s closed so that people can talk freely, but I am publishing this one because Alex Trenoweth was kind enough to come along [...]
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Neurodiversity and Astrology
In the past few years, many people have realised, sometimes quite late in life, that they have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)  or autism — and it’s been a massive relief. Both autism and ADHD are wide spectrum conditions (not disorders, thank you), of course, and [...]
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Signs of the Zodiac: Taurus
Ah the lovely Bulls — so handsome, so pretty, so stable. Sally and I chit chat about the sign Taurus, number two in the dance of the Zodiac.
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The Green Man & Mercury Retrograde & Eclipses: Taurus Season Podcast
  So the lusty month of May approaches, and we dance down a primrose path, mantled in green and all that jazz. Also there’s the Green Man, and bluebells and eclipses. And Mercury is almost retrograde in this month of blossom and poetry. To listen to the podcast, click here and [...]
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Aries Season Podcast: Jump!
The beginning of the astrological year is super-powered in 2023. Sally and I had so much to tell you in this month’s podcast — Pluto changing signs, phenomenal New Moons, Mars finally leaving Cancer. We’re going to jumpstart, jump for joy and, maybe, jump rope, and someone’s going to [...]
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