Astrology of Now: The Star of David

Monday July 29th 2013

A very unusual pattern is forming in the sky this morning. It’s called a Star of David, because it’s made up of two almost perfectly intersecting Grand Trines. You can see it in the image here. This is an Earth-Water Star, which should already give you an idea of the combination of practical and emotional energy available here.

Mary Fortier Shea has written a lot about this formation, tracking it since 1992. She finds that you can’t really make sweeping statements about how marvelous it’s effect will be on world affairs. (You might hope for a bit of peace and harmony with such a beautiful configuration.)
However, on a personal level, it’s quite a different thing. You can choose to be here now with the this gorgeous harmonious pattern. You can allow your consciousness to open to the universe.

What is going on with this particular star is very clear in some ways. There are three major oppositions: Venus-Neptune, Mars-Pluto, and Moon-Saturn. 
Venus-Neptune and Mars-Pluto are the both combinations of like planets. That is Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and Pluto is the higher octave of Mars. What is more Venus and Mars are the lovers of the solar system, complementary opposites. 
So the two planets of peace, love, art, talent are energizing each other from earthy Virgo to infinite Pisces, from precision to dreams. And the two planets of war, conflict, and violence are doing the same from earthy Capricorn to watery Cancer, from corporation to nation (on the mundane level that’s worrying) or from public life to private life.
The third opposition, which is the briefest, is between the Moon in Taurus and Saturn in Scorpio. These are the signs which belong to Venus and Mars traditionally, so again you can see a theme of peace and war, but also of love and desire. The Moon is in Taurus as I write, but the star really becomes activated this afternoon, around 2pm GMT, when the Moon opposes Saturn exactly. These two planets are personified as the old man and the woman. (The young girl/woman is Venus.) They are also planets of timing. He is Father Time himself, carrying his sickle, reaping endings; she is the minute hand of the chart, faster than any other planet, the pregnant woman, giving birth to beginnings. The Lady Moon triggers the whole event. Together, they create a narrow window of time to make something manifest: today and tomorrow.
In fact, Saturn is currently trining Lilith, the dark side of lunar energy, and she will be part of this opposition too, transmuting the practical into some powerful emotions. What is more, this year’s eclipse points are at 12° Scorpio-Taurus. This is currently an axis of change. In every ending there is a beginning and vice versa.
Now these oppositions are interacting with each other through a series of harmonious sextiles and trines. The energy flows around the chart as smoothly honey off a spoon. But unlike honey, it comes alive and eats its own tail, starting again. The planets involved are in the 5°-13° of the earth and water signs. If you don’t have any planets here, you will doubtless feel this energy anyway, all around you.
All the planets are engaged with each other tightly right now. The Sun and Uranus are not within the star but they are in aspect, both the points of dynamic t-squares. Mercury, the messenger, is the only planet that’s outside the 5°-13° band. Yet he is close enough; he seems to be at the front of a queue in Cancer, urging the other planets along.
Tibetan mandala
The peak of this event is from around 2.20pm GMT to 4am GMT today, but really this is a two-day window of swirling energy.
It’s hard not to see this as an opening aperture, just like in an old-fashioned camera, a window into the future. My best advice is to pay attention now. Whatever happens in the next 48 hours, whatever synchronicities, whatever inspiration or event, expected or unexpected, whatever news and conversation, notice it. You may be offered a choice, choose the right path.
Open yourself to the cosmos now. We, here on planet earth, are at the very centre of it all. The Star of David is the conjoining of two triangles: one pointing up to heaven, and one down to earth. It is the symbol of “as above, so below”. If you can set aside any time now simply to open your mind and feel the flow of the cosmos, do it. Be here now.

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  1. You have really inspired me! I read your post and then I intuitively wrote mine. Thank you so much. You helped give birth to what I was feeling this morning and that needed to be described.

  2. I love this, and it’s fortuitous timing.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. mm says:

    So many factors (planets) at play here. I like your analogy of the camera and the recommendation to simply stay aware and alert over the next couple of days. With a pattern as complex as this it could be easy to get lost in the detail …..

    And is it too much of a stretch to see a synchronicity with the start today of the (rather unexpected)Israeli-Palestinian peace talks?

  5. Gilly says:

    My novel was launched this afternoon. I’ve read so many conflicting reports on how good/bad this configuration is – I had no control over the date or time of the launch so… turning it over to the universe and hoping for the best. 😀

    • Gilly says:

      Heh. Well thank you, Christina, for the good wishes – I hope I sell millions too! Not really expecting to, but ::looks at all those sextiles and trines:: A goil can dream…. 😀

    • Christina says:

      How auspicious is that?! I hope you sell millions. And congratulations too….

  6. Anonymous says:

    im hoping to mend fences with someone after disagreements during the last uranus/pluto sq, during mercury rx… im waiting for them to contact me though, as they clearly needed space… hoping this trine and the aspects its making to my personal planets will be beneficial

  7. Gilly says:

    Could this configuration have anything to do with the dreadful number of transport crashes occurring in Europe at the moment? I think the first was the French train crash on 12th July, then the terrible Spanish crash, the Italian bus crash yesterday, and now a train crash in the Swiss Alps this morning. It has to be more than coincidence, surely…?

    • Christina says:

      Mercury, natural ruler of the 6th – small animals – escaping from Mars-Jupiter opposite Pluto perhaps? I truly hope you are OK, and that you did not get bitten too badly. What a horrible experience. This energy is quite harsh all through August too, despite the Grand Trine. Esepcially so for the Cardinals.

    • Gilly says:

      It seems such a very violent, confrontational energy. I was badly bitten by a dog today – it’s never happened to me before. In A&E were another 2 people also bitten by dogs. I’m thinking of going to bed and staying there for the duration!

    • Christina says:

      It does seem like a lot of accidents in a row, but I don’t think it’s this whole configuration so much as Mars-Jupier opposite Pluto and square Uranus. Uranus-Mars does bring accidents and with Jupiter and Pluto in the mix you’d expect both largeness and death.

  8. Isy Aweigh says:

    Another partial victory:

    I still wonder why the State Dept, which has custom-built computers, a high bar for entry, and tight control over who accesses confidential info, was forced to turn over their classified files to the military, which has off-the-shelf machines and has high-school educated youngstsers doing most of the work. Oddly, nobody involved in that decision — either its making, or its implementation — has been outed, let alone imprisoned, tortured, and starved.

    But that’s just me.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Again this reminds me of the June 2012 transit of Venus over the Sun.

    On the internet I found a little animation of Venus weaving her pentacle cycle with her retrogrades in 8 years time, seen from Earth. It’s really beautiful.

    Would she have anything to do with this phenomenon of a Great Sextile with the other planets ?


    • Anonymous says:

      We are living in a fascinating period in time.
      Thrilling !


    • Christina says:

      Yes – I see what you are getting at. And of course we don’t know the real effects of the Transit of Venus yet, do we…

    • Christina says:

      Although the Venus star is a pentacle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not only that situation, but I’m thinking of a much longer period in time and a far more broader approach to life on Earth. It’s like Venus is saying, enough is enough – we are going to have to do things differently in the future for a very, very long time and you – other planets – are all going to help in achieving this.

      I would say: it’s about time ! Good for you, Venus.


    • Christina says:

      .. and as mm says, it’s hard not to hope that somehow this round of talks on Palestine/Israel will really achieve something, especially with all the turmoil in the rest of the region.

    • Anonymous says:

      I mean: it’s like she friendly persuaded and invited all the other planets to come to a round table to have a good talk together. Wonder what the outcome will be !


  10. Leslee says:

    So interesting. I saw this post on Monday morning after having a dream about going through the birth process, both giving birth and being born at the same time. So weird as I rarely even remember my dreams. I don’t have natal planets in range, but my progressed Sun and Jupiter are at 12 Scorpio in my 4th house (incidentally, at my prenatal Lunar Eclipse point, the nearest eclipse prior to my birth) and my pVenus is at 10 Scorp (natal IC 7 Scorp). I’m in the 4th week of a new job. Really not sure what it all means, though!