Astrologer’s Library
An evolving list of astrology books recommended by readers
“Live for a while in the books you love. Learn from them what is worth learning, but above all love them. This love will be returned to you a thousand times over. Whatever your life may become, these books – of this I am certain – will weave through the web of your unfolding. They will be among the strongest of all threads of your experiences, disappointments, and joys.”
– Rainer Maria Rilke
Here is a list of astrology books recommended by readers of this blog and the Facebook page. I have not read all of them! But each book here has been used and loved by someone who loves astrology. I’ve included comments where possible.
This page is an on-going project so if you have any comments to make on these books or you would like to see a book included, leave them at the bottom and I’ll try to incorporate them. Doubtless you will find a book you cherish cruelly ignored, but this is not a comprehensive list, just the beginning of one. Please feel free to demand a book be added — just as long as you’re not the author’s agent.
If you are looking for essential books to start your astrological journey, get the * ones.
Beginner’s Books
Revamped, redesigned and reprinted many times since its first incarnation as The Compleat Astrologer in 1971, this book contains everything you need to get started making and interpreting charts. I taught myself to draw up charts by hand with this book.
Astrology, a Cosmic Science” — Isabel M. Hickey
“A beginner’s guide, but with a slant toward karma and spiritualism with an interpretive style only Hickey can provide.” — Anon
Modern Textbook of Astrology — Margaret Hone
Very dry but reliable and in its day seminal.
Astrology Decoded — Sue Merlyn Farebrother
This is highly recommended by several readers as the best current beginner’s book. I haven’t read it myself but suspect it may deserve a *.

Donna Cunningham is a natural writer and a gifted astrologer. Kindness and keen insight imbue her writing. The books I especially like by her are Moon Signs, the Key to Your Inner Life, An Astrological Guide to Self-Awareness and Healing Pluto Problems
Chart Interpretation Handbook — Stephen Arroyo
Mapping the Psyche — Clare Martin
Highly recommended by several readers
Complete Astrology — Alan Oken
How To Read Your Astrology Chart– Donna Cunningham
Horoscope Maker and Delineator — Llewellyn-George
Astrologer’s Handbook — Sakoian and Acker
The Only Way to Learn Astrology (book series) — Marion D. March and Joan McIver
These excellent and engaging books are not beautiful but they are useful. I have three or four but there are about 12. Some are better than others.
Sun Signs — Linda Goodman
I recommend this because she writes so amusingly and enthusiastically. She does set some readers’ teeth on edge apparently.
*Astrology for the Millions — Grant Lewi
I love this book: it’s populist yet profound. At the recent, AA conference in England, Rick Levine also mentioned this book.

Steven Forrest writes really well, although some people find his style irritating (I don’t). All his books are worth reading especially The Inner Sky, The Changing Sky, The Book of the Moon and The Book of Pluto
It’s great for beginners, but also for old hands.
The Knot of Time: Astrology and Female Experience — Lindsey River & Sally Gillespie
Written in the 1980s (I think), this book has stood the test of time well. Although it’s aimed at women, it’s insightful enough to be useful for everyone.
The Inner Sky — Steven Forrest
A cosy read and good astrology.
Man and the Zodiac –– David Anrias
‘This book talks about ascendants. The best part is his *beautiful* drawings of various ascendants. That combined with is a great way to ‘read’ a person’s Sun, Moon and ascendant – because they are literally as clear as the nose on one’s face.” — P
The Round Art — A T Mann
A seductive, beautiful book and a classic of 1970s publishing, although I think there is an updated version. One reader said this was the book that made him fall in love with astrology.
Moment of Astrology — Geoffrey Cornelius
Highly recommended by several readers. “Wise, profound, thought-provoking.” You may not agree with everything Cornelius writes but he will make you think properly about what you are doing with astrology.
The Astrology of Self-Discovery — Tracy Marks
The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook – An In-depth Guide to Interpreting Your Horoscope – Sue Tompkins
Astrologik — Antero Alli
Astrology — Melz E McColgan
The Cosmic Loom — Dennis Elwell
“A classic” — Liz
Understanding the Planets
The Planets Within: The Astrological Psychology of Marsilio Ficino – Thomas Moore
An exploration of the rediscovery of astrology in the Renaissance. I’m reading this book now so I’ll report back.
Planets in Youth — Rob Hand
Useful even if you’re old
Making the Gods Work For You — Caroline Casey
This book was highly recommended by several people, and I’ve read it since then. It’s an excellent exploration of planetary energy and astrology in action. Also very well written.

Stephen Arroyo – his books are favoured by readers — especially Astrology, Karma and Transformation, Astrology, Psychology and the Four Elements, and Relationships and Life Cycles.
Specific planets & nodes
I notice that there are more books about Pluto than any other planet!
Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul — Jeffrey Wolf Green
You really need this book if you want to understand Pluto.
Healing Pluto Problems – Donna Cunningham
Maybe her best book… although…
Moon Signs, Keys to Inner Life — Donna Cunningham
…is also excellent
The Astrology of Fate — Liz Green
“It seemed to speak so directly to my 12th house Pluto” Liz Greene writes about Pluto like an insider, very, very sound book.
Astrology of the Moon — Amy Herring
“A lovely book”
*Saturn: A New Look At An Old Devil — Liz Greene
Probably still the best book on Saturn and a must-read for anyone going through a Return. This is the book that returned me to real astrology.
Astrology for the Soul — Jan Spiller
Thorough and illuminating discussion of the nodes.
Neptune, the 12th House and Pisces — Maurice Fernandez
My favourite book on this planet, but…the other one is good too.
Neptune — Liz Greene
Neptunian in scope. Dive in.
Bil Tierney’s whole series is excellent: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
” I liked Tierney’s relatively positive spin where many astrology writers seem to focus on all the nastier sides of certain placements.” — Leslee
Steven Forrest has written a series of books on specific planets. I really love The Book of Pluto in particular (again!)
Aspects & Houses
*The 12 Houses — Howard Sasportas
A key text, covers much more than the houses.
Aspects in Astrology — Sue Tompkins
Stelliums Handbook — Donna Cunningham
This is an e-book and works rather brilliantly as one.
The Combination of Stellar Influences — Reinhold Ebertin
If you want to understand midpoints, this is the one.
“…the one book I take with me when I travel and I always consult it when writing my daily blog…” — Ainslie
Planetary Aspects – From Conflict to Cooperation – How to Handle your T-Square — Tracy Marks
Good book & T-squares are pretty common, so you’ll find yourself using it a lot.
Comparing charts
Relating — Liz Green

Liz Greene – the doyenne of Jungian astrology. All her books are worth reading — in particular The Astrology of Fate, Saturn, Neptune, The Outer Planets and Their Cycles.
Planets in Composite – Rob Hand
Damn useful…
Relationships and Life Cycles — Stephen Arroyo
As with all his books this is a jumble of ideas, but so true and useful. Also it’s refreshing sometimes to read a book that’s not orthodox in its organisation.
Transits, Progressions, Returns, Cycles
*Planets in Transit — Rob Hand
Exhaustive — but if you only get one book on transits., this is it.
“… gave me great insight in the way energies work, especially when they go retrograde and then direct again…” – Mimi
The Changing Sky — Steven Forrest
An engaging, positive and clear look at transits. Very good book
Cycles of Light: Exploring the Mysteries of Solar Returns — Lynn Bell
My favourite book on Solar Returns, but this one is also excellent…
Planets in Solar Returns — Mary Fortier Shea
“deserves a good read every birthday!” — Pauline
The Lunation Cycle. A Key to the Understanding of Personality — Dane Rudhyar
Such a prolific writer. Much of his work is wildly esoteric but this one is pure gold.
*Gods of Change: Transits of the Outer Planets– Howard Sasportas
Top book on the outer planets – Uranus, Pluto and Neptune. Recommended by more readers than any other. You really do need it if you’re interested in understanding these transits & understanding these transits is key to real applied astrology.
“Mercilessly perused and marked up.” — astrolass
Planetary Cycles: Astrological Indicators of Crisis and Change — Betty Lundsted
Saturn Transits — Erin Sullivan
Transits of Mid-Life and Aging — Erin Sullivan
A thorough overview of all the transits that turn you into a crone/wizard/old bag…
Solar Arcs — Noel Tyl
The principals of Solar Arcs simply explained. Some people swear by them.
New Age Career Cycles — John Townley
He has rehashed the same ideas in a couple of other books with similar names, so just get one of them. However, what he has to say about using the Saturn-Jupiter cycle is both practical and useful.
Astrology, Karma and Transformation —Stephen Arroyo
This book is so wide-ranging, it could go under some of the other headings. It’s full of insight but rather an odd format. It’s highly recommended by many readers.
The Magic Thread — Richard Idemon
“The blurb describes this book as a synthesis of depth psychology, myth, Jungian archetypal imagery, dreams and astrology. A rich mix indeed!
It is a fabulous book – complex ideas, beautifully explored.” — Polly
This is one of the books I’ve read this year because of this list. It’s wonderful and so is Through The Looking Glass, his other book. What a shame he died so young.
Cosmos and Psyche — Richard Tarnas
A bit philosophical…
The Karmic Journey — Judy Hall
Jungian Symbolism in Astrology — Alice Howell
This is quite heavy going, but it’s been recommended.
Soul Centered Astrology — Alan Oken
Karmic Astrology — Alan Oken
A Spiritual Approach to Astrology — Myrna Lofthus
Essays on Astrology — Rob Hand
The Astrology of Beliefs — Rollan Mccleary
“…an incredible book and a must read…” — C. King
Using Astrology to Create a Vocational Profile — Faye Cossar
“A gold mine of information and easy to read.”
Astronomica — Manilius
Easy reading considering it’s almost a couple of thousand years old. Loeb does a nice edition. Ptolemy’s Tetrabiblos is also worth a read so you know where later astrologers got their ideas from.
Useful Reference Books
Encylopedia of Psychological Astrology — CEO Carter
This is full of useful information on specific degrees and character traits.. I recommend anything by Carter who was a promoter of the cause in early-to-mid 20th century. He has the perfect prose style of that generation which makes reading him tremendously soothing.
Book of World Horoscopes — Nicholas Campion
If you need a chart for a country, you will likely find it here. Slight bias towards colonial dating I feel.
Astrological Keywords — Manly P Hall
What it says on the tin.
Brady’s Book of Fixed Stars — Bernadette Brady
An excellent, thorough discussion of the fixed stars and their meanings. This is the one to get.
Astrology of the Famed — Noel Tyl
Guide to Astrological Counselling — Donna Cunningham
Synthesis and Counselling in Astrology –– Noel Tyl
Christian Astrology — William Lilley
Written by England’s most famous Renaissance astrologer, it’s a bright, light window into another time but at the same time the ur-book for most contemporary horary astrologers. Don’t be put off by it’s age, it’s a jolly romp. Recommended by several readers. Although it’s maybe not the best book to start out with, it really is an essential read since so much modern astrology is based on Lilley.
The Real Astrology — John Frawley
Rather proscriptive but people swear by it. Recommended by several readers.
Horary Astrology: Plain and Simple –– Anthony Louis
Ooo, the rival tome — personally, I can’t choose between the two.
Jason over at Sagittarian Mind has an astrology bookshelf on his site — natürlich he’s a Sag. Click here to go to it.