Ivanka, Ivana, Donald — and the Black Moon Lilith

Lilith by Franz Stuck
In a natal chart Black Moon Lilith marks an important point of dark power. Lilith in conjunction with the Lights, the Sun and Moon, is extraordinarily significant.
In essence, Lilith is the opposite of the Moon. She is an unMother, unCarer, unNurturer, unscrupulous. She is unbound by convention or taboo. She is an outcast, the wronged woman, the first wife, the femme fatale, Glenn Close, chaos. We all have this energy somewhere — more or less acknowledged, more or less controlled, more or less hungry. For more articles on Lilith (and how she can work very well), click here.
So I was intrigued by the following observation. Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump’s daughter and, we are assured, right-hand woman, has Lilith conjunct her Moon in Sagittarius at around 8°. Now this is within a few degrees because we don’t have the exact birth-time, but it must be tight because on the mid-day chart, it’s exact. It’s an interesting conjunction for a woman who professes to advocate for mothers in the workplace.
This led me to wonder about Ivanka’s own mother (often represented by the Moon in a person’s chart) — and sure enough Ivana Trump has Lilith almost exactly conjunct her Sun. (Lilith 29° Aquarius, Sun 1° Pisces)
Like mother (Sun-Lilith), like daughter (Moon-Lilith). What the mother displays externally, the daughter internalises.
And there’s more: Ivana’s Lilith is right on The Donald’s Descendant, the angle of partnership. It must have felt like fate when he first met the Czech model. He looked at her and saw Lilith.
And there’s more Lilith to this Trump triangle.
Donald, Ivanka and Ivana all have Moon in Sagittarius. Donald and Ivanka both have Lilith in Sagittarius. Donald’s Lilith is at 5° and Ivanka’s Lilith is at 8°. Her Moon is around that point too. Her mother’s Moon is at 0° Sagittarius.
Like father (Moon-Lilith), like daughter (Moon-Lilith). The Moon in Sagittarius tends to be philosophical in outlook (!), an emotional risk-taker, unboundaried. Combined with Lilith… one can but speculate…
In case, you’re wondering, Eric Trump has Lilith at 2° Pisces — on his mother’s Sun — and Donald Jr has a Jupiter-Lilith conjunction at 28° Gemini, a few degrees from his father’s Sun. Of course, his Jupiter-Lilith echoes Donald and Ivanka’s Lilith in Sagittarius.
(Melania’s Lilith is at 18° Leo. She is outside the Trump’s Lilith vortex.)
Family that Liliths together stays together! Went over the link and saw that Carl Jung also has Lilith in Sag. So is nice to see how it can be expressed in a constructive way. expansion vs bigotry.
What do you think about Lilith aspecting de angles in synastry?
Perfect timing for your post Christina. They are having a Lilith return in March-April.
I find that Lilith is often quite extraordinarily active in synastry in both good and bad relationships — and on angles. I assumed it was always a fatal attraction — but actually it’s not positive or negative — just strong.
On the timing: watch that space. And by the way: where is Ivanka?
Yes that was my though. That if was there is probably strong but didn’t know how often they show up. Is really interesting. But it makes sense Lilith is present in strong attractions. The one that comes to mind is her Lilith on his IC and his Lilith conjunct her Vesta (libra 1rst H)
I haven’t looked much at the news today…so don’t know what Ivanka is up to but will be paying attention to that Lilith return! Interesting times we live in.
What if Lilith remains unaspected in someone’s chart?
Btw my son has the Moon conjunct Lilith 22Cap trine Saturn in Virgo. Am I such a witch?..?
Thank you for this interesting post.
Ha ha! Oh I think you can be a witch without having to eat babies and boil newts. You can be a magic woman. Check out this chart http://www.oxfordastrologer.com/2014/01/carlos-santana-and-that-old-black-magic.html
But how is your son coping with all the 22° pressure on his Moon?
… and in reply to the actual question… I am not sure, but I would take a look at the dispositors and house placement. It might act out only when transited in quite a surprising way
What an interesting post. I love looking at the astrological connections in families it’s so interesting 🙂
I have black moon lilith cazimi my sun in pisces in my mutable cosmic cross believe me she exists.I have been made aware of the darkness that 99.9% of people have no conception of ,the reality of the evil eye, (sun conjunct lilith in pisces) & the reality of her consort Satan who gives power to especially woman to use the evil eye.Satan the prince of the element air is deceiving people especially through the media,Christ is the remedy But look around the world & see how his message & followers are being actively destroyed with the blessing of the intellectual elite who are really in cahoots with the Prince of air.