A Passion For The Wild

John Muir among rocks
“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”
Shepherd, naturalist, philosopher, traveller, mountaineer, writer, defender of the wild, environmental activist and immigrant, John Muir through his passion and poetry, was the driving inspiration behind the preservation of thousands of acres of American wilderness.
His legacy is the wonderful US National Parks Service. (Taurus (the gardener) Sun at 0° (beginning) conjunct Vesta(legacy))

From astrodatabank
His nickname was John of the Mountain (Aquarius Rising, ruled by craggy Saturn and sky-god Uranus).
Muir’s nature writing was widely read in the late 19th century and became highly influential, opening the reading public’s eyes to the sublime glory of the American West. The powerful opposition in his chart across Pisces-Virgo from the Moon-Venus (nourishment-poetry-home) to Lilith (the wild) connects the ethereal (Pisces) with the earthy (Virgo).
He was a pioneer (Aries NN), showing how to love the wilderness and a traveller and explorer (Sagittarian MC). For Muir, his connection to the earth (IC) was healing (Chiron).
Muir expressed the connection between the spiritual and the natural world succinctly and lyrically in his essays and books. His work is a beautiful combination of imaginative Pisces with sensual, practical Taurus. He believed that being in wilderness we could know the mind of God.
“The snow is melting into music.” Neptune Rising in Aquarius
“Going to the mountains is going home.” Moon (home) conjunct Uranus, chart ruler and sky god.
“There is a love of wild nature in everybody.” Lilith (wild) conjunct Jupiter in earthy Virgo. This also shows his love of vast wildness: Jupiter makes great. And also his ability to write about nature.
“Another glorious day, the air as delicious to the lungs as nectar to the tongue.” Ah Taurus Sun, so sensual, Pisces Moon, so sensitive, conjunct Venus sextile Mercury in Taurus — a poet of nature.
Vesta is the asteroid of legacy? I have never heard that before.
In my experience this is one of her roles — legacy and inheritance.