The Year of the Snake

The Goddess of Health by Gustav Klimt
Welcome to the Year of the Snake on this Aquarius New Moon (29 January).
Blessed New Year to all!
This picture by Gustav Klimt shows the goddess of good health, Hygiea with her pet snake. In both Chinese culture and here in the West, snakes are associated with wisdom and cunning, which may be qualities we all need to burnish within ourselves in 2025.
Klimt has painted Hygeia as a protector, perhaps warding off illness. and it does seem important right now to surround oneself with talismans of protection.
The asteroid named Hygeia will spend much of the spring in Taurus — from 10 February to 21 May an interesting companion for the unpredictable wizard Uranus, then Gemini, where she will still be with Uranus. Due to rx, from 31 Aug to the end of December, she’ll be in Cancer (protecting mothers and children we hope.)
BTW It’s a Wood Snake year. Last time was 1965. This Chinese 60-year cycle actually coincides with the Western Jupiter-Saturn cycle.
Bon courage and remember to take care of your own health — mental and physical — as you navigate 2025.
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