I wrote this for subscribers to my horoscopes at the end of February, but I thought in the circumstances, I’d better share it. “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was […]
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It’s time to honour the feminine in astrology — so long denied. Articles on the goddess asteroids, Lilith, Venus and the Moon and more. She’s Rising!
The Best Book on Asteroids
A few weeks ago, I wrote about the asteroid Hygeia and mentioned that little work had been done on the asteroids in general. What is more, there’s a lot of really woolly thinking available for you to unravel around the internet. Most of it is all theory or wishful thinking, or just [...]
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The Dark Goddess in Aries, 2020
The Dark Goddess will be in the warlike sign of Aries for much of 2020, where she’s likely to find herself engaged in quite a few battles.
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Coronavirus, China and the World Health Organisation
Sometime in late 2019, people began to fall ill in a city in eastern China. The disease was a type of virus, a mutation it seemed of the coronavirus, so a relative of the common cold. While it started to spread, Hygeia, the goddess of hygiene, was having a zizz. In early October, Hygeia the [...]
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Shakira’s Channeling the Wild Goddess
Last night, pop diva Shakira ululated at the Superbowl: a first outing on prime time American TV for this exuberant, controlled shriek of celebration that you’ll hear at any fiesta from Syria to Morocco. Apparently it’s used in other parts of Africa, the Balkans and Asia too. [...]
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Lilith 2020
In a few days time, January 27, Lilith, that strange mathematical point in the sky — an empty space, an idea, a void? — shifts into the realm of Aries, where she might burst into flame. Her first contact will be Chiron, the centaur who weaves the outer and inner planets together, [...]
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On the “Other”: Lilith, Harvey Weinstein and the Fate of Nations
Why are there so many Liliths to choose from astrologically? I asked myself this question recently, and wondered if the answer might not lie in the archetype herself. Just to be clear. There are: True Lilith, Mean Lilith… and the asteroid Lilith… and furthermore, in some software, [...]
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The Saturn-Pluto Conjunction (2)
Some more ruminations on the conjunction of Saturn, Pluto, Ceres, the Sun and Mercury in Capricorn.
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Australia’s House Is On Fire
Baking winds, sulphurous skies, raining cinders, the roaring; the trembling air, the red smoke, giant tongues of flame lashing the landscape, devouring trees and buildings. Fleeing animals, fleeing people, blankets of ash, a pall of smoke… The images of the bush fires in Australia have [...]
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The Asteroid of Love Stories, Fairy Tales and the Soul’s Journey
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, in a country far away, a girl of breath-taking beauty lived with her family. Her two older sisters were “successfully’ married, to wealthy, middle-aged men, but her father was perplexed. Who was good enough to marry his darling youngest, [...]
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Astrology of Now: Turmoil
There’s an awful lot of churn right now. You can see it on the streets of Santiago, Hong Kong, La Paz and Barcelona; in the British Parliament and American Congress. And in Kurdistan where “confusion now hath made his masterpiece.” People are in a froth. There’s [...]
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Astrology of Now: The Law
Well, yesterday was quite the day for the law and democracy on both sides of the Atlantic. In London, the Supreme Court found that the government, and therefore Prime Minister Boris Johnson had broken the law when it suspended parliament. In fact, Judge Hale said that legally the [...]
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September’s Asteroid Round Up
A quick look at what those asteroids — Juno, Vesta, Pallas and Ceres — are up to in September.
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Ghislaine Maxwell’s Saturn Returns
When you venture into the dark woods of fairy tale, be careful of the creatures you meet — they might not be what they seem. The wolf may speak like a gentleman, the witch may live in a house of gingerbread. Hansel and Gretel’s witch lured them with sugarplums and cake; then she [...]
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August Asteroids
Taking a quick look at what the asteroids are up to at the moment. Juno, Pallas, Ceres and Vesta move slowly enough to have serious impact, and quickly enough to be entertaining. Getting to know your asteroids adds a little turmeric and chili, ginger and garlic to your horoscopic stew. [...]
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Toni Morrison and Black Moon Lilith
I’ve been thinking about the American writer Toni Morrison today, the day after she died, and remembering her book Beloved, which won her the Pulitzer Prize, and is considered by most critics to be her masterpiece. Beloved tells the story — in densely poetic language and imagery [...]
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Greta Thunberg, One of the Wise Children
“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. [...]
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Notre Dame: She Will Rise Again
Notre Dame, the great church of Our Lady in the heart of Paris, at the sharp end of the Ile de la Cité, burned spectacularly last night. One of her spires pointed a flaming finger at the sky. She crackled, she roared. But today she’s still standing. The images were shocking, of course. [...]
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Astrology of Now: Refound Beauty
Sometimes the music of the planets is pure magic. On the news this morning: the discovery of a painting by the Renaissance master, Sandro Botticelli — a version of the famous Madonna of the Pomegranates which hangs in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence. It had been considered a fake, but [...]
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Recognising Oshun
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU_QkhxfZjs With so much power now in watery Pisces — Sun, Neptune, Mercury and the asteroid Vesta — maybe it’s a moment to pause and listen to a story about another watery deity: Oshun, West African goddess of sweet water.
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