This year it’s going to be very hard to know what to hold on to and what to let go, who to rely on and who will vanish, how to move forward or when to stand still in this year of change and change about. This is because all the planets are changing signs, with […]
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Cancer – the sign of home, motherhood, the tribe and the most profound emotions. It’s the moodiest of them all, and exploring its perspectives and insights is always rewarding.
Cycling through the air, straight-backed and determined, Miss Gulch transforms into a witch on a broomstick at the start of The Wizard of Oz. It’s terrifying and fabulous. Margaret Hamilton, who played the Wicked Witch of the West in the 1939 classic, owned the part fully, becoming a [...]
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Astrology Talk Podcast: Cancer Season
This month on Astrology Talk Podcast Sally and I could not resist taking a look back at Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon and Silvio Berlusconi, the politicians who’ve fallen in the past few weeks. What was going on in the skies? And, of course, we took a good look at [...]
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Lilith in Leo: Marilyn, Rihanna & Absolute Charisma
Lilith, the Black Moon, a mysterious moving mathematical point, has a primal potency that spreads its roots and feelers beneath the surface of things, erupting upwards sometimes in a rustle of dark leaves or a flare of gunfire. We each hold this potential — more or less — in [...]
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Lilith in Cancer: The Dark Mother
The Black Moon Lilith will be making her way through the sign of motherhood, Cancer, until January 2023. This is significant for everyone, of course, but especially those of us with important angles or planets in Cancer or Capricorn, Aries or Libra or probably Pisces. Wherever Lilith goes she [...]
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July Horoscopes
A month when you could sink or swim, dive or surf; when life is sweet and spicy in the same bite; and anything could happen. To find your horoscope, click here. To join the Oxford Astrologer and get your horoscope monthly — along with other benefits including the live Q&A session, [...]
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Cancer Self-portraits
“I don’t draw like nobody. You speak one way, but I come on and say it different. You can draw a mule, dog, cat, or a human person, I’m going to draw it different. Because you always see things different.” — Nellie Mae Rowe, Cancerian artist Rubens June 28, 1577 [...]
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Cancer: A Self-portrait and a Poem
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, in secret, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body. Read […]
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Mother, Memory, Cake: Inside the Cancerian Mind
“… one day in winter, as I came home, seeing that I was cold, my mother offered me some tea, a thing that I did not ordinarily take. I declined at first, and then for no particular reason changed my mind. She sent out for one of those short, plump little cakes called petite madeleine, [...]
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Astrology Podcast: Solstice Special
Phew! We have such big astrology coming up and we had a lot to talk to about in this Solstice special. It’s not often that a Solstice comes along – when the Sun ‘stands still’ and is at its peak — only to be followed less than 10 hours later by a Solar Eclipse, [...]
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Astrology in Moby Dick
” Halloa! here’s signs and wonders truly! That, now, is what old Bowditch in his Epitome calls the zodiac, and what my almanac below calls ditto. I’ll get the almanac and as I have heard devils can be raised with Daboll’s arithmetic, I’ll try my hand at raising a [...]
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Podcast: Your Month Ahead July 22 to August 22
We recorded this one just outside Royal Windsor, after having cake at Madame Posh Tea Room — appropriately blingtastic for that most regal sign, Leo. Enjoy! And don’t forget that you can sign up to receive the in depth written horoscopes, here.
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New Podcast: Your Month Ahead, June 21-July 21
Sally Kirkman & me floating on the Oxford Canal and musing on the month ahead — which looks, well, rather relaxing. Enjoy.
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Crab, Crayfish — or Scarab?
If you look at old manuscripts, or the doors of cathedrals, or stained glass or indeed most representations of the sign Cancer before the Renaissance, you won’t always be looking at a roundish, cosy old crab. Sometimes Cancer is a crayfish, sometimes an odd beetley thing, sometimes who knows?! [...]
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6 Things To Do While Mars is in Cancer
Mars in Cancer June 4- July 20 Mars the fiery planet of war jumped into the soothing waters of Cancer last week. It’s time to take action in the realms of emotions, beaches and kitchens. Water Sports Jump on a surfboard — preferably on a wave. Failing that take up sailing or waterskiing or [...]
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