It was a shocking development. They knew that she was the Sultan’s favourite, the mother of his children, but who would have thought that he would actually marry the Ruthenian woman? In the year 1533, Suleiman the Magnificent wed his concubine Roxelana, making her Sultana, the most powerful [...]
See moreCategory: Pisces
Take a lateral look at the twelfth sign of the zodiac. Here is a showcase of people, ideas, myths and phenomena influenced by the musical, ethereal fishes.
Astrology of Now: Beauty and Terror
“Why is it we are so emotional about this game?” asked the man sitting next to me, biting passionately into a chunk of tortilla. “Because it is a beautiful game,” I replied, as we watched the black and white ball slide perfectly off the foot of a Spanish player clad in [...]
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Signs of the Zodiac: Pisces, the Subtle Influence
A discussion of the sign Pisces on YouTube or on the podcast. Is Pisces a shark or a whale? What’s the best way to handle that boundless energy?
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Podcast: Flying Fish, It’s Pisces Season
It’s that time of the month again. We discuss the sign of the fishes and what’s been happening as Pluto gets into Aquarius — and, of course, take a look at the astrology of the month ahead. Or you can watch on YouTube.
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Astrology Talk Investigates: Why Did Rupert Murdoch Choose His Successor?
In our snappy new series of short takes on topics we find intriguing, mysterious or amusing, we look at the Murdoch clan, models for the hit TV show Succession. The Murdochs are, of course, the most famous media dynasty on the planet, with more fingers in more pies manipulating more [...]
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Neurodiversity and Astrology
In the past few years, many people have realised, sometimes quite late in life, that they have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or autism — and it’s been a massive relief. Both autism and ADHD are wide spectrum conditions (not disorders, thank you), of course, and [...]
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i will wade out
i will wade out till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers I will take the sun in my mouth and leap into the ripe air Alive […]
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The Latest Podcast: Pisces Season 2022: Universal Love
The latest podcast is now live on the website. You can watch it on YouTube or download the podcast and listen. Sally and I discussed last month — and why the coming month is so much better.
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Oceanic Power
The planets’ dance through the Zodiac winds to an end in the sign of salt tears and imagination, ecstasy and dissipation, the sign of universal love, lost souls and the ocean depths, Pisces. Right now, two major planets, Jupiter and Neptune, are tracing the last graceful steps of their own [...]
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Astrology of Now: The Green One
The Green One, al Khidr, may be a traveller or an angel, a sailor or a sage; he guards the sea, is a patron of poets and calligraphers, heals the sick, and as you can see above rides on the back of fish. He may come to your aid if you are drowning, heal your […]
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Venus in Pisces: The Little Mermaid
Venus, the goddess of love and harmony, art and laughter, dives into the deep waters of Pisces on February 25. Looking up people with Venus in Pisces, I noticed that Hans Christian Andersen, writer of fairytales, was born with this particular signature. Which set me thinking about his [...]
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Pisces: A Self-portrait and a Poem
Sea Breeze The flesh is sad, Alas! and I have read all the books. Let’s go! Far off. Let’s go! I sense that the birds, intoxicated, fly deep into unknown spume and sky! Nothing – not even old gardens mirrored by eyes – can restrain this heart that drenches itself in the sea, O nights, […]
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Feb-March Podcast! In this month’s astrology podcast, we quite look forward to a bit of Pisces after so much Aquarius. Mind you, we recorded this just when Mercury was stationing direct and getting a nice square from the Moon and Mars: perhaps that has something to do [...]
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One of the lessons of astrology is that it takes all sorts to run the world. We need Aquarian teamwork, Cancerian nurturing, Aries can-do, Leonine playfulness — or to put that in modern terms, we need Aquarian autism, Cancerian hypochondria, Arien sadism and Leonine narcissism. [...]
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Your Month Ahead Podcast: February 19-March 20
Will Pisces month be weird or wonderful? Well, let’s take a look and see.
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Your Monthly Podcast (Feb 19-Mar20)
Oh my! We are deep into Poseidon’s watery territory this month. Watch out for the jellyfish and the sharks. On the other hand, look at those flashing schools of multi-coloured fish over on that coral reef, and some dolphins disporting themselves on those waves and a mermaid on that rock [...]
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The Magic Window
Commuters on a Train — Cyril Power[/caption] I grew up in a country where it was unusual, on public transport, to see people reading anything other than a smudged newspaper. I moved to London, where inside the bright-lit tube trains, a colourful collage of hundreds of paper covers made a [...]
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Astrology of Now: Tension
This is my cat Heart, who likes to play a role in all important conversations…
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Astrology in Moby Dick
” Halloa! here’s signs and wonders truly! That, now, is what old Bowditch in his Epitome calls the zodiac, and what my almanac below calls ditto. I’ll get the almanac and as I have heard devils can be raised with Daboll’s arithmetic, I’ll try my hand at raising a [...]
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