This year it’s going to be very hard to know what to hold on to and what to let go, who to rely on and who will vanish, how to move forward or when to stand still in this year of change and change about. This is because all the planets are changing signs, with […]
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2025: The Year of Flux
It was a shocking development. They knew that she was the Sultan’s favourite, the mother of his children, but who would have thought that he would actually marry the Ruthenian woman? In the year 1533, Suleiman the Magnificent wed his concubine Roxelana, making her Sultana, the most powerful [...]
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Astrology of Now: Out of Hell
As the prisoners pour out of the cells in Sadnaya prison, you can hear their liberators saying over and over, “Thank god for your safety,” the traditiional greeting for someone who has returned from a long journey or illness. “Hamdillah es-salaameh.” And many of these [...]
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Cycling through the air, straight-backed and determined, Miss Gulch transforms into a witch on a broomstick at the start of The Wizard of Oz. It’s terrifying and fabulous. Margaret Hamilton, who played the Wicked Witch of the West in the 1939 classic, owned the part fully, becoming a [...]
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Astrology of Now: Beauty and Terror
“Why is it we are so emotional about this game?” asked the man sitting next to me, biting passionately into a chunk of tortilla. “Because it is a beautiful game,” I replied, as we watched the black and white ball slide perfectly off the foot of a Spanish player clad in [...]
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Everything Green: May Horoscopes
We are so lucky to live on Earth, with her great oceans, her lush forests, her billowing grasslands, her mystical deserts and magical snowy poles. And right now, in the skies, so many other planets are beaming down on us from the glorious, earthy sign of Taurus, the sign most connected with [...]
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Signs of the Zodiac: Pisces, the Subtle Influence
A discussion of the sign Pisces on YouTube or on the podcast. Is Pisces a shark or a whale? What’s the best way to handle that boundless energy?
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Podcast: Flying Fish, It’s Pisces Season
It’s that time of the month again. We discuss the sign of the fishes and what’s been happening as Pluto gets into Aquarius — and, of course, take a look at the astrology of the month ahead. Or you can watch on YouTube.
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Pluto in Aquarius: Connect or Disconnect
This year’s great cosmic shift — the move of Pluto into Aquarius — has already caused much hammering of keyboards, bursting of brain cells and copious words to be spilled across the internet. Here’s what you need to know. • Pluto will be in Aquarius from 20 January [...]
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What Does Frankenstein Have To Tell Us About the Future Now?
Well, Pluto, Lord of Transformation and dweller in the outer reaches of our solar system, is approaching his next entry into the sign of systems, Aquarius — and everything is going to change. Mind you, this is a process… Sally and I decided to look back at the chart of someone born [...]
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Fire and Light: Sagittarius Season Podcast
We’re galloping into the season of the centaur on a shower of sparks, scattering fire and words to the left and right, and probably clutching the reins in between our teeth. As the fire and light flicks past us, we may be forced to slow down into that Mercury Retrograde. Sally and I [...]
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Astrology Talk Investigates: Why Did Rupert Murdoch Choose His Successor?
In our snappy new series of short takes on topics we find intriguing, mysterious or amusing, we look at the Murdoch clan, models for the hit TV show Succession. The Murdochs are, of course, the most famous media dynasty on the planet, with more fingers in more pies manipulating more [...]
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Lilith in Virgo: Not the Usual
Wild, wicked, outcast and essential — the Black Moon Lilith — what does it mean when she steps into the sign of Virgo? Watch and find out. This is an excerpt from a half-hour discussion of the Black Moon Lilith as she goes into earthy Virgo for a nine month stay. To see the longer [...]
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Virgo Season: Retrogrades A Go-Go
This month Sally and I discuss all those planets turning tail and running for the hills — as well as few coming back to the well to drink some cool, sweet water. It’s really pretty complicated. There will be winners and losers — and those might just be the same person. Links to audio and […]
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Astrology Talk Podcast: Cancer Season
This month on Astrology Talk Podcast Sally and I could not resist taking a look back at Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Nicola Sturgeon and Silvio Berlusconi, the politicians who’ve fallen in the past few weeks. What was going on in the skies? And, of course, we took a good look at [...]
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Gemini Season Podcast: Two Heads Are Better
Plenty to discuss this month. Pluto goes back into Capricorn. Venus and Mars are in Leo, and Mercury finally reaches Gemini. Get a cup of tea and join us.
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Was Sherlock Holmes A Capricorn? Astrology Talk Investigate
In honour of Pluto, the detective, entering Aquarius, the sign of networks and the internet (and maybe podcasts!), Sally and I are launching a new feature: Astrology Talk Investigates. We’ll be looking at mysteries, histories and more, focusing on just one question, every month. Do send [...]
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Neurodiversity and Astrology
In the past few years, many people have realised, sometimes quite late in life, that they have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) or autism — and it’s been a massive relief. Both autism and ADHD are wide spectrum conditions (not disorders, thank you), of course, and [...]
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Signs of the Zodiac: Taurus
Ah the lovely Bulls — so handsome, so pretty, so stable. Sally and I chit chat about the sign Taurus, number two in the dance of the Zodiac.
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Lilith in Leo: Roar!
Lilith, the Black Moon, visits the sign of the Sun once a decade. She grows her mane, flexes amps up her charisma and sometimes acts like a giant pussy cat. Below is a list of the previous times she was in Leo. If you were born any of these years, you are having a Lilith […]
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