Category: Signs of the Zodiac

Signs of the Zodiac: Aries
Sally and I discuss the first sign of the Zodiac, the sign of the ram, Aries. Are they selfish, irrational and sportif? Or are they passionate generals in the battlefield of life?
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Aries Season Podcast: Jump!
The beginning of the astrological year is super-powered in 2023. Sally and I had so much to tell you in this month’s podcast — Pluto changing signs, phenomenal New Moons, Mars finally leaving Cancer. We’re going to jumpstart, jump for joy and, maybe, jump rope, and someone’s going to [...]
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Aquarius Season Podcast
This episode we discuss the coming astrological month — Aquarius season — which runs from 20 January to 18 February. Of course, we also took a look back at the previous season with its double retrogrades and royal shenanigans. Both of us are looking forward to the cool, clear light [...]
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I’ve been avoiding the whole Harry/Meghan/etc saga, but yesterday it was so in my face that I thought I’d sneak a peek at the prince’s chart. My question was essentially: why now for Harry? I looked at just three charts: Prince Harry’s natal chart, which has an A rating [...]
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Lilith in Leo: Marilyn, Rihanna & Absolute Charisma
Lilith, the Black Moon, a mysterious moving mathematical point, has a primal potency that spreads its roots and feelers beneath the surface of things, erupting upwards sometimes in a rustle of dark leaves or a flare of gunfire. We each hold this potential — more or less — in [...]
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Astrology Talk: The Signs of the Zodiac
What makes a Scorpio a Scorpio? And are Geminis the only ones who can tell a tale tale? For a bit of holiday fun, Sally and I decided to discuss each sign of the Zodiac individually. You can watch the videos on YouTube  here. Or download them from the Astrology Talk  podcast channel here. [...]
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Sagittarius Season Podcast
What a season for astrology! With the Sun is in Sagittarius, we pay special attention to Jupiter, now in his final lap in Pisces and running wild and free. At the same time, Mars is still retrograde, so the brakes are on somewhere. It’s complicated. Sally and I had quite the discussion, [...]
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Mars in Gemini — in His Own Words
Mars, the planet of pepper and passion, is in the sign of Gemini for a very long time (20 August 2022 – 23 March 2023). The warrior is unbuckling her sword, laying down her shield and lying down by the campfire to trade stories for a long stretch too. In short the red planet is [...]
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Lilith in Cancer: The Dark Mother
The Black Moon Lilith will be making her way through the sign of motherhood, Cancer, until January 2023. This is significant for everyone, of course, but especially those of us with important angles or planets in Cancer or Capricorn, Aries or Libra or probably Pisces. Wherever Lilith goes she [...]
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Iris Apfel, Rare Bird of Fashion
“Doing your own thing is very good… if you have a thing to do.”  — Iris Apfel Playful, eccentric, glamorous, wry, Iris Apfel has an eye for the shiny, feathered, glittering, colourful thing. Her apartments in Palm Beach and New York City are eclectic bower-birds’ [...]
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i will wade out
i will wade out                      till my thighs are steeped in burning flowers I will take the sun in my mouth and leap into the ripe air                                     Alive […]
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The Latest Podcast: Pisces Season 2022: Universal Love
The latest podcast is now live on the website. You can watch it on YouTube or download the podcast and listen. Sally and I discussed last month — and why the coming month is so much better.
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Astrology of Now: The Dance of Love and Resurrection
Standing on the edge of a mineshaft that may have revealed itself when the earth moved at the eclipse on 4 December, the taste of brimstone lingers and there’s smoke in the air. Maybe we are hesitant, but is that a twisting stairway into the darkness? Better to descend eyes wide shut [...]
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Adele’s Saturn
  One thing’s certain about the singer Adele: she likes Saturn. At her one-night only special in Los Angeles the other day, she sported ginormous, dangly Saturn earrings, flashed a tattoo of the ringed planet on her right forearm, and was otherwise clad in black head to foot — [...]
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November Horoscopes
The November Horoscopes are up and ready for your delectation. To pick yours up from the members’ page, click here. This month is looking quite spikey, but there are reasons for optimism — including the rather benign eclipse (if there is such a thing) at the end of the month. [...]
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Libra: A Self-portrait and a Poem
II  I am a far more deserving inventor than all those who went before me; a musician, in fact, who found something resembling the key of love. At present, a noble from a meager countryside with a dark sky I try to feel emotion over the memory of mendicant childhood, over my apprenticeship [...]
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This Month’s Podcast: 22 September-22 October: Mercury Retrograde Do’s & Don’ts
This month Sally and I ponder the meaning of the equinox, Kim Kardashian and Mercury retrogrades. You can pick up the podcast from the website’s home page. Here is the link — just scroll down the home page.
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Virgo Self-Portraits: Perfect Wits
David (30 August 1738) It will come as no surprise to see that the work of artists born under Virgo is consistently detailed, crafted, technically excellent and polished to a wonderful degree. Nor will it surprise you that all these painters could draw beautifully. Ingres (29 August 1780) [...]
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Talk Astrology: 22 August-22 September Podcast
It’s up! Quite the discussion vis-a-vis August’s torrid astrology and the Virgoan temperament… Go to the Home Page to listen.
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Leo Self-Portraits
Last month, I found a huge number of artists born under a Cancer Sun. It seems that Leos are less prone to pick up a paintbrush. I think a lot of them might find being in a studio all day too lonely. So no surprise then that possibly the most famous Leo artist of the […]
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