Category: Signs of the Zodiac

July Horoscopes
A month when you could sink or swim, dive or surf; when life is sweet and spicy in the same bite; and anything could happen. To find your horoscope, click here. To join the Oxford Astrologer and get your horoscope monthly — along with other benefits including the live Q&A session, [...]
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Cancer Self-portraits
“I don’t draw like nobody. You speak one way, but I come on and say it different. You can draw a mule, dog, cat, or a human person, I’m going to draw it different. Because you always see things different.” — Nellie Mae Rowe, Cancerian artist Rubens June 28, 1577 [...]
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Singer and dancer Britney Spears is 39 years old, and, until recently, and has has a busy work schedule as super pop diva. But she is enslaved by a so-called legal conservatorship that was set up when she was having a nervous breakdown 13 years ago. Spears had the kind of melt-down that [...]
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Cancer: A Self-portrait and a Poem
 I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,  in secret, between the shadow and the soul. I love you as the plant that never blooms but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body. Read […]
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An Emotional Month Ahead: Podcast
[buzzsprout episode=’8718620′ player=’true’]  
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Oceanic Power
The planets’ dance through the Zodiac winds to an end in the sign of salt tears and imagination, ecstasy and dissipation, the sign of universal love, lost souls and the ocean depths, Pisces. Right now, two major planets, Jupiter and Neptune, are tracing the last graceful steps of their own [...]
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Astrology Talk Podcast: 18 May – 18 June
[buzzsprout episode=’8536608′ player=’true’]
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Venus in Gemini: Silver-tongued, Fleet of Foot
Venus is in Gemini for the next three weeks. The planet of beauty and grace in the sign of doubling, double-talk, double-quick, double lucky, double dip, double entendre… double bed, double dutch, double dates, double cross — better watch this on the double! Enjoy.  
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Taurus: A Self-portrait and a Poem
The Afternoon Sun  …This room, how familiar it is. The couch was here, near the door, a Turkish carpet in front of it. Close by, the shelf with two yellow vases. On the right—no, opposite—a wardrobe with a mirror.  In the middle the table where he wrote, and the three big wicker chairs. Beside [...]
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Aries: A Self-portrait and a Poem
  You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies, You may tread me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I’ll rise. Does my sassiness upset you?  Why are you beset with gloom?  ‘Cause I walk like I’ve got oil wells Pumping in my living room… Read the rest of [...]
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Astrology of Now: The Green One
The Green One, al Khidr, may be a traveller or an angel, a sailor or a sage; he guards the sea, is a patron of poets and calligraphers, heals the sick, and as you can see above rides on the back of fish. He may come to your aid if you are drowning, heal your […]
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Venus in Pisces: The Little Mermaid
Venus, the goddess of love and harmony, art and laughter, dives into the deep waters of Pisces on February 25. Looking up people with Venus in Pisces, I noticed that Hans Christian Andersen, writer of fairytales, was born with this particular signature. Which set me thinking about his [...]
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Pisces: A Self-portrait and a Poem
Sea Breeze The flesh is sad, Alas! and I have read all the books. Let’s go! Far off. Let’s go! I sense that the birds, intoxicated, fly deep into unknown spume and sky! Nothing – not even old gardens mirrored by eyes – can restrain this heart that drenches itself in the sea, O nights, […]
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Feb-March Podcast! In this month’s astrology podcast, we quite look forward to a bit of Pisces after so much Aquarius. Mind you, we recorded this just when Mercury was stationing direct and getting a nice square from the Moon and Mars: perhaps that has something to do [...]
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Venus in Aquarius: 1-25 February
I’m starting a new series of videos on Venus and her journey through the Zodiac this month, beginning with Venus in Aquarius. I think it’s relevant for everyone, and always useful to be keeping track of what the goddess of peace and love is up to. This month she’s especially [...]
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Aquarius: A Self-portrait and a poem
  Patterns  I walk down the garden-paths,  And all the daffodils  Are blowing, and the bright blue squills.  I walk down the patterned garden-paths  In my stiff, brocaded gown.  With my powdered hair and jeweled fan,  I too am a rare  Pattern. As I wander down   The garden-paths.  My [...]
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Capricorn: A Self-Portrait and a Poem
For joy’s sake, from my hands For joy’s sake, from my hands, take some honey and some sun, as Persephone’s bees told us.   Not to be freed, the unmoored boat. Not to be heard, fur-booted shadows. Not to be silenced, life’s dark terrors. Now we only have kisses, dry and bristling like [...]
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Thoughts on the Great Conjunction
Details from the Journey of the Magi by Benozzo Gozzoli in the Palazzo Medici. These are the two senior kings — Balthazar and Melchior. The mightiest  planets known to the ancients, great Jupiter and stern Saturn, will meet on December 21, 2020 for the first time in 20 years. They will [...]
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Sagittarius: A Self-Portrait and a Poem
I Am Much Too Alone In This World  I am much too alone in this world, yet not alone     enough to truly consecrate the hour. I am much too small in this world, yet not small     enough  to be to you just object and thing,  dark and smart. I want my free will and want […]
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