Category: Leo

Ah, Leo. Here are some selected writings about this glorious, playful, narcissistic sign of the zodiac!

Astrology of Now: Out of Hell
As the prisoners pour out of the cells in Sadnaya prison, you can hear their liberators saying over and over, “Thank god for your safety,” the traditiional greeting for someone who has returned from a long journey or illness.  “Hamdillah es-salaameh.” And many of these [...]
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Was Sherlock Holmes A Capricorn? Astrology Talk Investigate
In honour of Pluto, the detective, entering Aquarius, the sign of networks and the internet (and maybe podcasts!), Sally and I are launching a new feature: Astrology Talk Investigates. We’ll be looking at mysteries, histories and more, focusing on just one question, every month. Do send [...]
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Lilith in Leo: Roar!
Lilith, the Black Moon, visits the sign of the Sun once a decade. She grows her mane, flexes amps up her charisma and sometimes acts like a giant pussy cat. Below is a list of the previous times she was in Leo. If you were born any of these years, you are having a Lilith […]
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Lilith in Leo: Marilyn, Rihanna & Absolute Charisma
Lilith, the Black Moon, a mysterious moving mathematical point, has a primal potency that spreads its roots and feelers beneath the surface of things, erupting upwards sometimes in a rustle of dark leaves or a flare of gunfire. We each hold this potential — more or less — in [...]
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Talk Astrology: 22 August-22 September Podcast
It’s up! Quite the discussion vis-a-vis August’s torrid astrology and the Virgoan temperament… Go to the Home Page to listen.
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Leo Self-Portraits
Last month, I found a huge number of artists born under a Cancer Sun. It seems that Leos are less prone to pick up a paintbrush. I think a lot of them might find being in a studio all day too lonely. So no surprise then that possibly the most famous Leo artist of the […]
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  One of the lessons of astrology is that it takes all sorts to run the world. We need Aquarian teamwork, Cancerian nurturing, Aries can-do, Leonine playfulness — or to put that in modern terms, we need Aquarian autism, Cancerian hypochondria, Arien sadism and Leonine narcissism. [...]
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August Asteroids
Taking a quick look at what the asteroids are up to at the moment. Juno, Pallas, Ceres and Vesta move slowly enough to have serious impact, and quickly enough to be entertaining. Getting to know your asteroids adds a little turmeric and chili, ginger and garlic to your horoscopic stew. [...]
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Podcast: Your Month Ahead July 22 to August 22
We recorded this one just outside Royal Windsor, after having cake at Madame Posh Tea Room — appropriately blingtastic for that most regal sign, Leo. Enjoy! And don’t forget that you can sign up to receive the in depth written horoscopes, here.
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Astrology of Now: Between the Eclipses
Subscribers to the horoscopes already know that I had my own private eclipse at the end of January: my darling mother died. Here’s some of what I wrote then: “She went back to bed one morning, feeling a little odd — and never got up. Yes, she had a Leo Moon, right in the path […]
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Astrology of Now: Venus in Virgo
Venus, who has spent the whole summer lolling around in the lap of luxury (Leo), moved into Virgo today. This means she will be out of the shadow of her retrograde by tomorrow. If you have been having to rethink, reinvent or reassess your attitudes to love, money, values or friendship this [...]
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Venus in Leo: Charisma
As Venus strolls through each sign, she dons different clothes or new makeup; she sheds jewellery, cuts her hair, adds glitter, goes natural. The goddess shows that allure comes in many guises, not just physical beauty. The Rising sign, Sun sign and prominent planets are also important in [...]
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Five Things To Do in 2015
Happy New Year! I hope the holiday season was a pleasant one for you. As of today we are into the swing of the new year: already the bulbs at the end of the dining table — paper whites and hyacinths — have bloomed and their sharp green leaves are an augury of spring; my [...]
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Astrology of Now: Listen For The Blue Quincunx
I am sitting at a desk in a high-ceilinged room in Brighton. The tall window frames blue, at the lower edge lavender blossom and then a few inches above, the horizontal of prussian blue sea meeting pale, brilliant summer sky. In the distance, the sounds of church bells, surf, cars’ [...]
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10 (Fun) Things To Do While Jupiter’s In Leo
  It’s that time again. It’s been a long, lively 12 years since Jupiter, the planet named after the king of the gods himself, was in Leo, the sign of royalty, gold, the Sun, self-expression, glamour, drama and perhaps above all playfulness. It’s time to throw off that [...]
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Leo Rising: Hats, Manes, A Turban…
You know about Leo and hair. Big and fluffy, long and flowing: remarkable. The state of the tresses can be a big clue to Leo Rising. But it turns out that hats are good too. And failing that, maybe a wig. You’ll see what I mean… Everyone here has Leo Rising. How to wear a […]
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Father Sun Marries Mother Moon in Summer
The creatures of the Zodiac cavort in a loop through the sky that takes us from midwinter to midsummer and back again. We are used to thinking of them as starting with Aries the Ram and ending with Pisces, the Fishes. But there is another way of ordering the Zodiac that can help you to […]
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8 Things to Do While Venus is in Leo
The Bather, Ingres.He was born with Venus in Leo and Sun in Virgo. This picture combines Virgo mastery of technique & perfectionism with Leo luxury. The planet of beauty is in the golden sign of Leo, what could be more luxurious. Here are some suggestions of how to make the most of this [...]
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12 Questions From Mercury Rx in Leo
Freddie Mercury. Mercury, the trickster, lay down and took a nap in the Sun last week. Now he’s staggered to his feet and is laboriously retracing his steps through Leo. He’s a little dazed and confused poor fellow, asking this question: who am I? Mercury in Leo: it’s about [...]
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12 Ways To Embrace Mars in Virgo
The action planet Mars has slowly toiled backwards through Virgo for months, but now there is only one more week to go. He turns on the 14th. Then we’ll still have another two months of Mars in Virgo as he makes his way back through almost the entire sign. On July 4, he moves into […]
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