Category: Lilith

The Dark Moon Lilith is one of the most mysterious, and misunderstood, point in the chart. Read on to gain deeper insight into your own astrology by seeing how she works in a wide range of situations.

Lilith in Virgo: Not the Usual
Wild, wicked, outcast and essential — the Black Moon Lilith — what does it mean when she steps into the sign of Virgo? Watch and find out. This is an excerpt from a half-hour discussion of the Black Moon Lilith as she goes into earthy Virgo for a nine month stay. To see the longer [...]
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August Horoscopes: Potent Memories Brew
It’s a strange month, full of nostalgia for other Augusts, even ones you never knew. We are cupped between two bright harvest Moons — on 1 August and 31 August in the final signs of the Zodiac, Aquarius and Pisces, bringing us to the halfway mark of the astrological year at the end of the […]
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Wagner Group Mutiny: Yevgeny Prigozhin
This is a sunrise chart for Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group. There’s no birth time. I am flinging this up quickly for you to see as history unfolds. Just in case you’re out of the loop: the Wagner Group is a mercenary organisation owned and run by Prigozhin which [...]
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Lilith in Leo: Roar!
Lilith, the Black Moon, visits the sign of the Sun once a decade. She grows her mane, flexes amps up her charisma and sometimes acts like a giant pussy cat. Below is a list of the previous times she was in Leo. If you were born any of these years, you are having a Lilith […]
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Loud Passions Interview: Paradigm of Astrology, Divine Feminine and More
Back in June 2021, mid-pandemic, Suzannah Galland interviewed me for her her podcast, Loud Passions. Suzannah asked really big questions about astrology in general, the divine feminine. Jupiter in Pisces, the pandemic…. and more. So I had to think quite hard when answering! But [...]
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Lilith in Leo: Marilyn, Rihanna & Absolute Charisma
Lilith, the Black Moon, a mysterious moving mathematical point, has a primal potency that spreads its roots and feelers beneath the surface of things, erupting upwards sometimes in a rustle of dark leaves or a flare of gunfire. We each hold this potential — more or less — in [...]
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Lilith in Cancer: The Dark Mother
The Black Moon Lilith will be making her way through the sign of motherhood, Cancer, until January 2023. This is significant for everyone, of course, but especially those of us with important angles or planets in Cancer or Capricorn, Aries or Libra or probably Pisces. Wherever Lilith goes she [...]
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Meghan, Harry and Diana’s Saturn Return
If ever you wondered whether this country were in the grip of a prolonged nervous breakdown, take a millisecond to peruse the extraordinary media response to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s interview with the redoubtable queen across the water, Oprah Winfrey. That was aired last night [...]
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New Video: Lilith in Taurus, A Walk in the Woods
Come for a walk in the woods to meet the Dark Moon goddess…. Cover image is from a medieval illumination depicting Eve talking to Lilith, who wears a crown and has the body of a snake, in the Garden of Eden.
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The Dark Goddess in Aries, 2020
The Dark Goddess will be in the warlike sign of Aries for much of 2020, where she’s likely to find herself engaged in quite a few battles.
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Shakira’s Channeling the Wild Goddess
Last night, pop diva Shakira ululated at the Superbowl: a first outing on prime time American TV  for this exuberant, controlled shriek of celebration that you’ll hear at any fiesta from Syria to Morocco. Apparently it’s used in other parts of Africa, the Balkans and Asia too. [...]
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Lilith 2020
In a few days time, January 27, Lilith, that strange mathematical point in the sky — an empty space, an idea, a void? — shifts into the realm of Aries, where she might burst into flame.   Her first contact will be Chiron, the centaur who weaves the outer and inner planets together, [...]
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On the “Other”: Lilith, Harvey Weinstein and the Fate of Nations
Why are there so many Liliths to choose from astrologically? I asked myself this question recently, and wondered if the answer might not lie in the archetype herself. Just to be clear. There are: True Lilith, Mean Lilith… and the asteroid Lilith… and furthermore, in some software, [...]
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Ghislaine Maxwell’s Saturn Returns
When you venture into the dark woods of fairy tale, be careful of the creatures you meet — they might not be what they seem. The wolf may speak like a gentleman, the witch may live in a house of gingerbread. Hansel and Gretel’s witch lured them with sugarplums and cake; then she [...]
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Toni Morrison and Black Moon Lilith
I’ve been thinking about the American writer Toni Morrison today, the day after she died, and remembering her book Beloved, which won her the Pulitzer Prize, and is considered by most critics to be her masterpiece. Beloved tells the story — in densely poetic language and imagery [...]
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Kim Kardashian and the Plutocrat President
When two reality TV stars meet in the Oval Office behind the big desk, you know the world is topsy-turvy. Well, we are where we are… and here at The OA we love a great picture. The official White House photographer(s) just keep on giving… What’s also interesting is that this [...]
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A Passion For The Wild
“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” Shepherd, naturalist, philosopher, traveller, mountaineer, writer, defender of the wild, environmental activist and immigrant, John Muir  through his passion and [...]
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Ivanka, Ivana, Donald — and the Black Moon Lilith
In a natal chart Black Moon Lilith marks an important point of dark power. Lilith in conjunction with the Lights, the Sun and Moon, is extraordinarily significant. In essence, Lilith is the opposite of the Moon. She is an unMother, unCarer, unNurturer, unscrupulous. She is unbound by [...]
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Nasty Women
No matter what you think about the candidates for president in the USA, the campaign has given rise to some barnstorming feminist political speeches. It feels like a real breakthrough — a change in the weather. In astrology, we have a “nasty woman”. She’s called Black Moon Lilith, and she’s [...]
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Hillary Clinton, Dragon-Slayer
This American election is an archetypal battle, the stuff of fairytale or legend. The two sides line up, accusing each other of hatred, lying and lasciviousness; of baseness, vileness, bestiality. In their vagueness sometimes, the smears require a leap of imagination from the public. What’s [...]
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