Prometheus, the revolutionary fire-stealing Titan whom historian Richard Tarnas argues should be associated with the planet Uranus. I agree with him Uranus has navigated the Piscean ocean with panache over the pat seven years, making waves in all kinds of directions. At the same time, [...]
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Astrology of now: Pay Attention to Your Dreams
Here in Oxford, we are having an extraordinarily beautiful autumn. The leaves are lambent red and gold, yellow and bright green. The air is very still, slightly damp and shining. It is unusually warm, so the light is not crisp and sharp, but gleaming. In short it is like a dream. I cycled back [...]
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Captain Haddock: Scorpio Man?
“Billions of blistering barnacles in a thundering typhoon, astrology! What a load of codswallop!” I can almost hear him shouting now. (Sigh) I’ve always had a soft spot for Captain Haddock, Tintin’s companion in adventure, merchant mariner, millionaire and lush. [...]
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Was Dracula a Scorpio?
Creepy thoughts should never be limited to autumn nights. In fact when I started this blog back in the summer the very second post was on the subject of horror movies. Back in July, my five year old’s musings on vampire squid lurking behind the shower curtain prompted me to investigate [...]
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Venus in Scorpio: Passion and Pain
A Man and A Woman (1966) Venus is the planet of love and money; two things it’s good to at least try and get right. And two ways in which we fall into horrible, relentlessly repeating patterns. After a certain time, we can look back at our lives and discern these themes and variations [...]
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Wikileaks’ Festival of the Dead
Come, sit by the fire, and I’ll tell you a spine-chilling tale. A horror story so bleak and terrible that fearful images of maiming, torture and violence will keep you awake all night. Death and Life, Gustav Klimt 1911. We approach All Hallows Eve, the dark turn of the year when the [...]
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Equal Rights for Goddesses?
As you know, there are seven heavenly bodies in traditional astrology. The boys – Sun, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The girls – Moon, Venus. Five against two. Now does that seem fair to you? Does that even seem like life? Ceres, goddess of fertility, is sometimes assigned to [...]
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Nights of the She Warrior
She rides a tiger. A trident, a scimitar and a thunderbolt are among her favoured weapons. Yet she smiles and clasps a lotus in one of her ten hands. She is Durga, champion of compassion – one of the many faces of the divine feminine – Shiva’s equal, demon’s bane. And [...]
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Libra: Peace or War?
Baroness Thatcher has Libra Sun and Leo Moon like Mahatma Gandhi and David Cameron. A belated Happy Birthday to you, Mrs T. (ex-PM Margaret Thatcher Oct 13, 1925) And to you Silvio. (PM Berlusconi, Italy September 29, 1936) And Bibi, Happy Birthday, to you in advance. (Netanyahu, the [...]
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A Libran’s Seven Social Sins
Mahatma Gandhi. Libra Sun/Leo Moon Here’s something to think about while the Sun sails through the last ten degrees of the sign of justice and balance, Libra. Mahatma Gandhi, that arch-Libran, said there were seven social sins Politics without principles Wealth without work, Pleasure [...]
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Being Indulgent
Practical, understated chic. Perfect for a weekend in the Cotswolds. With calves like that maybe his Jupiter’s in Aquarius! “Just bought a pair of boots,” he muttered, trying not to look too pleased. I thought for a minute. We already live with a small river of his shoes that [...]
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A God for Every Sign – yay
I find reading old astrology books a very good way to get to sleep. Dane Rudhyar is marvellously soporific. I hope some of it will filter into my dreams, and be reborn as a brilliant insight. Last night I turned to CEO Carter, who is an old stand-by in the wee small hours. And in […]
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Heavenly grrrl power!
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Brazil. Is the mother goddess giving a helping hand? In Brazil, Dilma Rousseff; in Australia Julia Gillard, who’s next? Are sisters finally doing it for themselves? Here’s what I think happened in the heavens that might give us a clue. On the [...]
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A Fairytale Ending for Milibands
Once upon a time there was a miller who had three sons. When he died his oldest son took the mill, his middle son took the donkey, and that left the youngest son with nothing but the cat. Well, we know who got the better deal in the end. Puss-in-boots helps the youngest son to […]
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Lady Gaga vs Madonna
Can you believe the shoes? Lady Gaga has finally sauntered onto my middle-aged radar by wearing that outrageous dress. Wow – it’s punk and glam rock simultaneously! She’s got chutzpah. Every generation has (at least) one – popstalala with ass and attitude. So it’s [...]
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Synchronicity, dreams and a case of exact astrological aspects
I’m going to tell a story that starts off badly and ends up well. Last night I dreamt that I was the only person left in the world and I could not find anything with which to kill myself. I woke up abruptly, terrified, with these words going through my head: “The world will not [...]
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Ripe apples drop about my head; The luscious clusters of the vine Upon my mouth do crush their wine; The nectarine and curious peach Into my hands themselves do reach; Stumbling on melons as I pass, Insnared with flowers, I fall on grass. The Garden, Andrew Marvell (1621-1678) [...]
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Times are changing
This is from an old copy of the defunct magazine Punch. I can never see the joke, but it does seem appropriate. We had dinner with an entertainingly gloomy Irishman last night. He’s clearly enjoying the credit crunch a lot – because it means that he can wallow in deepest pessimism, [...]
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Stress for Leos
Tonight is the New Moon at 17 Leo in “interesting” aspect the outer planets. Anyone with a birthday around now – that is between August 5 and August 15 is probably feeling stressed out. You are under tremendous pressure from the planets. Are you having a serious existential [...]
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Hear the lion’s roar
The Sun’s gone into the sign of Leo now. It’s full summer, the time of the Lion, as hot as it gets in the Northern hemisphere. Leo is a fire sign of course and its ruler is the Sun, by far the brightest thing in our solar system. No wonder Leos have a reputation for […]
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